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10 “How about an examination of Ellis’s room?” asked Mr. Satterthwaite, having enjoyed the spectacle of Sir Charles’s blush to the full. The actor seized at the diversion. “Excellent, excellent. Just what I was about to suggest myself.” “Of course the police have already searched it thoroughly1.” “The police - ” Aristide Duval waved the police away scornfully. Anxious to forget his momentary2 discomfiture3, he flung himself with renewed vigour4 into his part. “The police are blockheads,” he said sweepingly5. “What have they looked for in Ellis’s room? Evidences of his guilt6. We shall look for evidences of his innocence7 - an entirely8 different thing.” “You’re completely convinced of Ellis’s innocence?” “If we’re right about Babbington, he must be innocent.” “Yes, besides - ” Mr. Satterthwaite did not finish his sentence. He had been about to say that if Ellis was a professional criminal who had been detected by Sir Bartholomew and had murdered him in consequence the whole affair would become unbearably9 dull. Just in time he remembered that Sir Bartholomew had been a friend of Sir Charles Cartwright’s and was duly appalled10 by the callousness11 of the sentiments he had nearly revealed. At first sight Ellis’s room did not seem to offer much promise of discovery. The clothes in the drawers and hanging in the cupboard were all neatly13 arranged. They were well cut, and bore different tailors’ marks. Clearly cast-offs given him in different situations. The underclothing was on the same scale. The boots were neatly polished and arranged on trees. Mr. Satterthwaite picked up a boot and murmured, “Nines, just so, nines.” But since there were no footprints in the case, that didn’t seem to lead anywhere. It seemed clear from its absence that Ellis had departed in his butler’s kit14, and Mr. Satterthwaite pointed15 out to Sir Charles that that seemed rather remarkable16 fact. “Any man in his senses would have changed into an ordinary suit.” “Yes, it’s odd that ... Looks almost, though that’s absurd, as if he hadn’t gone at all ... Nonsense, of course.” They continued their search. No letters, no papers, except a cutting from a newspaper regarding a cure for corns, and a paragraph relating to the approaching marriage of a duke’s daughter. There was a small blotting-book and a penny bottle of ink on a side table - no pen. Sir Charles held up the blotting-book to the mirror, but without result. One page of it was very much used - a meaningless jumble17, and the ink looked to both men old. “Either he hasn’t written any letters since he was here, or he hasn’t blotted18 them,” deduced Mr. Satterthwaite. “This is an old blotter. Ah, yes - ” With some gratification he pointed to a barely decipherable “L. Baker” amidst the jumble. “I should say Ellis hadn’t used this at all.” “That’s rather odd, isn’t it?” said Sir Charles slowly. “What do you mean?” “Well, a man usually writes letters ...” “Not if he’s a criminal.” “No, perhaps you’re right ... There must have been something fishy19 about him to make him bolt as he did ... All we say is that he didn’t murder Tollie.” They hunted round the floor, raising the carpet, looking under the bed. There was nothing anywhere, except a splash of ink beside the fireplace. The room was disappointingly bare. They left it in a somewhat disconcerted fashion. Their zeal20 as detectives was momentarily damped. Possibly the thought passed through their minds that things were arranged better in books. They had a few words with the other members of the staff, scared- looking juniors in awe12 of Mrs. Leckie and Beatrice church, but they elicited21 nothing further. Finally they took their leave. “Well, Satterthwaite,” said Sir Charles as they strolled across the park (Mr. Satterthwaite’s car had been instructed to pick them up at the lodge22) “anything strike you - anything at all?” Mr. Satterthwaite thought. He was not to be hurried into an answer -especially as he felt something ought to have struck him. To confess that the whole expedition had been a waste of time was an unwelcome idea. He passed over in his mind the evidence of one servant after another - the information was extraordinarily24 meagre. As Sir Charles had summed it up just now, Miss Wills had poked25 and pried26, Miss Sutcliffe had been very upset, Mrs. Dacres had not been upset at all, and Captain Dacres had got drunk. Very little there, unless Freddie Dacres’s indulgence showed the deadening of a guilty conscience. But Freddie Dacres, Mr. Satterthwaite knew, quite frequently got drunk. “Well?” repeated Sir Charles impatiently. “Nothing,” confessed Mr. Satterthwaite reluctantly. “Except - well, I think we are entitled to assume from the clipping we found that Ellis suffered from corns.” Sir Charles gave a wry27 smile. “That seems quite a reasonable deduction28. Does it - er - get us anywhere?” Mr. Satterthwaite confessed that it did not. “The only other thing -” he said and then stopped. “Yes? Go on, man. Anything may help.” “It struck me as a little odd the way that Sir Bartholomew chaffed his butler - you know what the housemaid told us. It seems somehow uncharacteristic.” “It was uncharacteristic,” said Sir Charles with emphasis. “I knew Tollie well - better than you did - and I can tell you that he wasn’t a facetious29 sort of man. He’d never have spoken like that unless - well, unless for some reason he wasn’t quite normal at the time. You’re right, Satterthwaite, that is a point. Now where does it get us?” “Well,” began Mr. Satterthwaite; but it was clear that Sir Charles’s question had been merely a rhetorical one. He was anxious, not to hear Mr. Satterthwaite’s views, but to air his own. “You remember when that incident occurred, Satterthwaite? Just after Ellis had brought him a telephone message. I think it’s a fair deduction to assume that it was that telephone message which was cause of Tollie’s sudden unusual hilarity31. You may remember I asked the housemaid woman what that message had been.” Mr. Satterthwaite nodded. “It was to say that a woman named Mrs. de Rushbridger had arrived at the Sanatorium,” he said, to show that he, too, had paid attention to the point. “It doesn’t sound particularly thrilling.” “It doesn’t sound so, certainly. But, if our reasoning is correct, there must be some significance in that message.” “Ye-es,” said Mr. Satterthwaite doubtfully. “Indubitably,” said Sir Charles. “We’ve got to find out what that significance was. It just crosses my mind that it may have been a code message of some kind - a harmless sounding natural thing, but which really meant something entirely different. If Tollie had been making inquiries32 into Babbington’s death, this may have had something to do with those inquiries. Say, even, that he employed a private detective to find out a certain fact. He may have told him in the event of this particular suspicion being justified33 to ring up and use that particular phrase which would convey no hint of the truth to anyone taking it. That would explain his jubilation34, it might explain his asking Ellis if he was sure of the name - he himself knowing well there was no such person, really. In fact, the slight lack of balance a person shows when they have brought off what can be described as a long shot.” “You think there’s no such person as Mrs. de Rushbridger?” “Well, I think we ought to find out for certain.” “How?” “We might run along to the Sanatorium now and ask the Matron.” “She may think it rather odd.” Sir Charles laughed. “You leave it to me,” he said. They turned aside from the drive and walked in the direction of the Sanatorium. Mr. Satterthwaite said: “What about you, Cartwright? Does anything strike you at all? Arising out of our visit to the house, I mean.” Sir Charles answered slowly. “Yes, there is something - the devil of it is, I can’t remember what.” Mr. Satterthwaite stared at him in surprise. The other frowned. “How can I explain? There was something - something which at the moment struck me as wrong - as unlikely - only - I hadn’t the time to think about it then, I put it aside in my own mind.” “And now you can’t remember what it was?” “No - only that at some moment I said to myself, ‘That’s odd.’” “Was it when we were questioning the servants? Which servant?” “I tell you I can’t remember. And the more I think the less I shall remember ... If I leave it alone, it may come back to me.” They came into view of the Sanatorium, a big white modern building, divided from the park by palings. There was a gate through which they passed, and they rang the front-door bell and asked for the Matron. The Matron, when she came, was a tall, middle-aged35 woman, with an intelligent face and a capable manner. Sir Charles she clearly knew by name as a friend of the late Sir Bartholomew Strange. Sir Charles explained that he had just come back from abroad, had been horrified36 to hear of his friend’s death and of the terrible suspicions entertained, and had been up to the house to learn as many details as he could. The Matron spoke30 in moving terms of the loss Sir Bartholomew would be to them, and of his fine career as a doctor. Sir Charles professed37 himself anxious to know what was going to happen to the Sanatorium. The Matron explained that Sir Bartholomew had had two partners, both capable doctors, one was in residence at the Sanatorium. “Bartholomew was very proud of this place, I know,” said Sir Charles. “Yes, his treatments were a great success.” “Mostly nerve cases, isn’t it?” “Yes.” “That reminds me - fellow I met out at Monte had some kind of relation coming here. I forget her name now - odd sort of name - Rushbridger - Rusbrigger - something like that.” “Mrs. de Rushbridger, you mean?” “That’s it. Is she here now?” “Oh, yes. But I’m afraid she won’t be able to see you - not for some time yet. She’s having a very strict rest cure. The Matron smiled just a trifle archly. No letters, no exciting visitors ... ” “I say, she’s not very bad, is she?” “Rather a bad nervous breakdown39 - lapses40 of memory, and severe nervous exhaustion41. Oh, we shall get her right in time.” The Matron smiled reassuringly42. “Let me see, haven’t I heard Tollie - Sir Bartholomew - speak of her? She was a friend of his as well as a patient, wasn’t she?” “I don’t think so, Sir Charles. At least the doctor never said so. She has recently arrived from the West Indies - really, it was very funny, I must tell you. Rather a difficult name for a servant to remember - the parlourmaid here is rather stupid. She came and said to me, ‘Mrs. West India has come,’ and of course I suppose Rushbridger does sound rather like West India - but it was rather a coincidence her having just come from the West Indies.” “Rather - rather - most amusing. Her husband over, too?” “He’s still out there.” “Ah, quite - quite. I must be mixing her up with someone else. It was a case the doctor was specially23 interested in?” “Cases of amnesia43 are fairly common, but they’re always interesting to a medical man - the variations, you know. Two cases are seldom alike.” “Seems all very odd to me. Well, thank you, Matron, I’m glad to have had a little chat with you. I know how much Tollie thought of you. He often spoke about you,” finished Sir Charles mendaciously44. “Oh, I’m glad to hear that”. The Matron flushed and bridled45. “Such a splendid man - such a loss to us all. We were absolutely shocked - well, stunned46 would describe it better. Murder! Who ever would murder Dr. Strange, I said. It’s incredible. That awful butler. I hope the police catch him. And no motive47 or anything.” Sir Charles shook his head sadly and they took their departure, going round by the road to the spot where the car awaited them. In revenge for his enforced quiescence48 during the interview with the Matron, Mr. Satterthwaite displayed a lively interest in the scene of Oliver Manders’ accident, plying49 the lodge keeper, a slow- witted man of middle age, with questions. Yes, that was the place, where the wall was broken away. On a motor cycle the young gentleman was. No, he didn’t see it happen. He heard it, though, and come out to see. The young gentleman was standing50 there - just where the other gentleman was standing now. He didn’t seem to be hurt. Just looking rueful-like at his bike - and a proper mess that was. Just asked what the name of the place might be, and when he heard it was Sir Bartholomew Strange’s he said, “That’s a piece of luck,” and went on up to the house. A very calm young gentleman he seemed to be - tired like. How he come to have such an accident, the lodge keeper couldn’t see, but he supposed them things went wrong sometimes. “It was an odd accident,” said Mr. Satterthwaite thoughtfully. He looked at the wide straight road. No bends, no dangerous crossroads, nothing to cause a motor cyclist to swerve51 suddenly into a ten-foot wall. Yes, an odd accident. “What’s in your mind, Satterthwaite?” asked Sir Charles curiously52. “Nothing,” said Mr. Satterthwaite, “nothing.” “It’s odd, certainly,” said Sir Charles, and he, too, stared at the scene of the accident in a puzzled manner. They got into the car and drove off. Mr. Satterthwaite was busy with his thoughts. Mrs. de Rushbridger - Cartwright’s theory wouldn’t work - it wasn’t a code message - there was such a person. But could there be something about the woman herself? Was she perhaps a witness of some kind, or was it just because she was an interesting case that Bartholomew Strange had displayed this unusual elation38? Was she, perhaps, an attractive woman? To fall in love at the age of fifty-five did (Mr. Satterthwaite had observed it many a time) change a man’s character completely. It might, perhaps, make him facetious, where before he had been aloof53 - His thoughts were interrupted. Sir Charles leant forward. “Satterthwaite,” he said, “do you mind if we turn back?” Without waiting for a reply, he took up the speaking tube and gave the order. The car slowed down, stopped, and the chauffeur54 began to reverse into a convenient lane. A minute or two later they were bowling55 along the road in the opposite direction. “What is it?” asked Mr. Satterthwaite.
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