18-09-27 Tsinghua University becomes the highest-ranking university in Asia, according to the fresh Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2019 published on Wednesday. 2019年泰晤士高等教育世界大学排名周三公布,清华大学成为亚洲的顶级学府。 THE...
18-08-16 The 2018 Academic Ranking of World Universities released on Wednesday by Shanghai Ranking Consultancy reveals that 62 research universities in China have made their list of the worlds top 500 universities. 2018世界大学学术排行榜本周三由上海软科教育...
18-05-10 Chinas domination of the elite Times Higher Education (THE) Emerging Economies Rankings continues. 泰晤士报高等教育周三公布,中国在新兴经济体大学排行榜继续占主导地位。 The annual ranking comprises more than 350 universities -- expanded from 300 last...
18-04-28 Shanghai has overtaken Beijing to become the city with most commercial attraction in the four first-tier cities, according to a report by the China Business Network. 中国商务集团的一份报告指出,上海已取代北京成为最具商业吸引力的一线城市。 Shanghai s...
18-02-26 Tsinghua University tops 600 mainland universities in 2018 according to the Academic Ranking of World Universities (ARWU), one of the four globally recognized university ranking systems, reports shobserver.com. 上观网报道,2018世界大学学术排名,清华...
17-02-25 Bangkok has the worst evening rush hour traffic in the world for a second consecutive year, according to GPS manufacturer TomTom. 根据GPS生产商TomTom的调查结果,曼谷连续第二年成为全球晚高峰堵车最严重的城市。 The results were compiled after TomTom tr...
12-12-14 The US president leads it, of course, and then there's the Pope, and Angela Merkel, and Facebook's founder, and other global rainmakers on Forbes' ranking of the world's most powerful people. 在福布斯杂志评出的全球最具权势人物榜上,奥巴马毫无疑问地...
11-10-11 I hope that the administrative rankings of colleges will be removed, Wen said during an online chat with Internet users on gov.cn and xinhuanet.com. 温家宝总理在于中国政府网和新华网网友在线交流时说:我希望可以取消高校中的行政级别。 文中的administrat...
11-09-11 The US has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday. 一个全球经济组织周三称...
10-08-22 Harvard retains the crown as top university for the eighth year in an annual ranking of the world's universities which is dominated by the United States but shows China's performance improving. 一项世界大学年度排名日前出炉,哈佛大学连续第八年高居排...