The Toy Band
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A Song of the Great Retreat

  Dreary1 lay the long road, dreary lay the town,

  Lights out and never a glint o' moon:

  Weary lay the stragglers, half a thousand down,

  Sad sighed the weary big Dragoon.

  "Oh! if I'd a drum here to make them take the road again,

  Oh! if I'd a fife to wheedle2, Come, boys, come!

  You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

  Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife and drum!

  "Hey, but here's a toy shop, here's a drum for me,

  Penny whistles too to play the tune3

  Half a thousand dead men soon shall hear and see

  We're a band!" said the weary big Dragoon.

  Rubadub! Rubadub! Wake and take the road again,

  Wheedle-deedle-deedle-dee, Come, boys, come!

  You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

  Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife and drum!"

  Cheerly goes the dark road, cheerly goes the night,

  Cheerly goes the blood to keep the beat;

  Half a thousand dead men marching on to fight

  With a little penny drum to lift their feet.

  Rubadub! Rubadub! Wake, and take the raod again,

  Wheedle-deedle-deedle-dee, Come, boys, come!

  You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

  Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife and drum!

  As long as there's an Englishman to ask a tale of me,

  As long as I can tell the tale aright,

  We'll not forget the penny whistle's wheedle-deedle-dee

  And the big Dragoon a-beating down the night,

  Rubadub! Rubadub! Wake and take the road again,

  Wheedle-deedle-deedle-dee, Come, boys, come!

  You that mean to fight it out, wake and take your load again,

  Fall in! Fall in! Follow the fife, and drum!


1 dreary sk1z6     
  • They live such dreary lives.他们的生活如此乏味。
  • She was tired of hearing the same dreary tale of drunkenness and violence.她听够了那些关于酗酒和暴力的乏味故事。
2 wheedle kpuyX     
  • I knew he was trying to wheedle me into being at his beck and call.我知道这是他拉拢我,好让我俯首贴耳地为他效劳。
  • They tried to wheedle her into leaving the house.他们想哄骗她离开这屋子。
3 tune NmnwW     
  • He'd written a tune,and played it to us on the piano.他写了一段曲子,并在钢琴上弹给我们听。
  • The boy beat out a tune on a tin can.那男孩在易拉罐上敲出一首曲子。
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