文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-09-05 02:59 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
这是一沟绝望的死水,清风吹不起半点漪沦。不如多扔些破铜烂铁,爽性泼你的剩饭残羹。 也许铜的要绿成翡翠,铁罐上锈出几瓣桃花;再让油腻织一层罗绮,霉菌给它蒸出些云霞。 让死水酵成一沟绿酒,漂满了珍珠似的白沫;小珠们笑声变成大珠,又被偷酒的花蚊咬破。 那么一沟绝望的死水,也就夸得上几分鲜明。如果青蛙耐不住寂寞,又算死水叫出了歌声。 这是一沟绝望的死水,这里断不是美丽的所在,不如让给丑恶来开垦,看它造出个什么世界。 DEAD WATERWenYiduo A bleak pool of dead waterWhere no breeze can raise a ripple-One may as well throw in metal scriapsAnd leftover food Perhaps the metal will turn into emeraldsThe rusty cans into peach blossomsThe grease will weave a silken gauzeAnd the mold will rise and become twilight clouds Let the dead water ferment into a green wineIn which white foam floats like pearlsTiny pearls giggle and turn into big pearlsThen get broken by pilfering mosquitoes Perhaps a bleak pool of dead waterIs fair after allIf the frogs get lonelyThe can bring music to the place A bleak pool of dead waterWhere beauty cannot reside-One may as well let the Devil cultivate itAnd see what kind of world he will create

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