动词词组 GET 1
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2024-06-13 09:19 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
GET的基本含义是to come to have,其详细词义分类整理如下:
1. 走;去;出来,出去
EX) get away with, get on one's nerves, get out of a mess
2. 到达
EX) get to the bottom of, get to the heart of the matter, Your letter got here yesterday.
3. 变得,变成
EX) get back on one's feet, get carried away, get close to, get lost, get sick
4. 理解,听清楚;得知
EX) get the picture, get the message
5. 得到,取得,获得(补偿、许可、奖赏、分数、头衔等);买到
EX) get a bright idea, get cold feet, get lump in one's throat, get the short end of the stick,
You got a point there. get a hand, get credit for, get the green light, get all A's, get a letter, get a
break, get a rise out of, get the better of, get the last laugh, get a second opinion, get a handle on,
Get some fresh air outside. I can get it for you. I got a new coat yesterday.
6. 遭受(处罚、打击、危害、灾难等);感染上,患上(疾病)
EX) get a black eye, get a slap on the wrist, get a tongue-lashing, get the air, get the boot, get
the cold shoulder, get the devil, get the sack, get the third degree, get a ticket, get the measles1
7. 捉住,捕获
EX) get...over a barrel, Get him before he escapes.
8. 使困惑,使烦恼;使激动,使感动
EX) A: Excuse me. Which is the way to the Dogwood Publishing Company? B: You got me.
9. 带走,移开,搬运
EX) get a load off one's mind, get a word in edgewise, get...across to, get...out of a jam,
get...off one's chest, get...off the ground
10. 打死,报复
EX) Don't tell Mom, or I'll get you. I'll get you for this.
11. 使得到,为…弄到,为…买
EX) Get me a towel, somebody? I'll get that book you wanted.
12. 使成为或处于(某种状态)
EX) get one's feet wet, get one's fingers burned, get one's hands dirty, get the ball rolling, She
got her purse picked in the subway.
13. 有,拥有
EX) get butterflies in one's stomach, I've got plenty of time.
14. 不得不做
EX) I've got to chow down.
15. 以…为生
EX) get along on shoe string
16. 同行;和睦相处;维持
EX) get along with..., get along without...
17. 进入;放进
EX) get in on the ground, get in one's hair, get one's teeth into...
18. 进行
EX) get one's second wind


1 measles Bw8y9     
  • The doctor is quite definite about Tom having measles.医生十分肯定汤姆得了麻疹。
  • The doctor told her to watch out for symptoms of measles.医生叫她注意麻疹出现的症状。
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