动词词组 GET 26
文章来源:未知 文章作者:enread 发布时间:2024-06-13 09:27 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
1. get 〔have〕 a 〔the〕 day off **休假
解 习语;词义溯源:得到一天的[休息、休假(off)];参照take the day off
例 Hey, the first time I get a day off, why don't we go to Mount1 Heng with our families? It's
my favorite mountain, but I haven't been there since I was a university student. I'm too busy these
2. get 〔catch〕 the devil / get 〔catch〕 hell **受到严斥
解 〈口〉习语;词义溯源:遭受(得到)[难过的事情(the devil, hell)]
例 I'm going to get hell from my wife if I don't get home soon, so we'd better get out of here.
How about meeting here again tomorrow night to finish our billiards2 game?
3. get 〔have〕 the feel of sth. **学会,熟悉(某种感觉)
解 习语;词义溯源:得到(知道)对某事物的[触感、感觉(feel)]
例 The keyboard on this new laptop is quite compact3. It'll take you a few days to get the feel
of it, but once you do, you'll find it's actually more convenient and requires less effort.
4. get the floor **有发言权
解 习语;词义溯源:获得[发言权(the floor)]
例 Sir, if I could get the floor for five minutes, I could explain the reasoning behind this
House Resolution. I am a member of the subcommittee which wrote it.
5. get the glad hand **受到(由衷的或虚伪的)热烈欢迎
解 〈口〉 习语;词义溯源:受到[热情洋溢的欢迎、带有虚假动机的热情欢迎(the
glad hand)];give sb. the glad hand表示“由衷或虚情假意地款待”
例 I'm always uncomfortable in that restaurant. The atmosphere's good and the food is great,
but the service—it's just...I know they have to be friendly, but I don't like their way of being
friendly because it feels like I'm getting the glad hand. It makes me uncomfortable.


1 mount 6Fixv     
  • Their debts continued to mount up.他们的债务不断增加。
  • She is the first woman who steps on the top of Mount Jolmo Lungma.她是第一个登上珠穆朗玛峰的女人。
2 billiards DyBzVP     
  • John used to divert himself with billiards.约翰过去总打台球自娱。
  • Billiards isn't popular in here.这里不流行台球。
3 compact cXeyh     
  • It was a compact package.这是个捆得很紧的包裹。
  • The article is compact and well organized.文章严密,又很有章法。
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