23-04-19 Chapter III. Lodge 341, Vermissa On the day following the evening which had contained so many exciting events, McMurdo moved his lodgings from old Jacob Shafters and took up his quarters at the Widow MacNamaras on the extreme outskirts of the town....
23-04-19 Chapter II. The Bodymaster McMurdo was a man who made his mark quickly. Wherever he was the folk around soon knew it. Within a week he had become infinitely the most important person at Shafters. There were ten or a dozen boarders there; but they we...
23-04-19 PART II. The Scowrers Chapter I. The Man It was the fourth of February in the year 1875. It had been a severe winter, and the snow lay deep in the gorges of the Gilmerton Mountains. The steam ploughs had, however, kept the railroad open, and the eve...
23-04-19 Chapter VII. The Solution Next morning, after breakfast, we found Inspector MacDonald and White Mason seated in close consultation in the small parlour of the local police sergeant. On the table in front of them were piled a number of letters and te...
23-04-19 Chapter VI. A Dawning Light The three detectives had many matters of detail into which to inquire; so I returned alone to our modest quarters at the village inn. But before doing so I took a stroll in the curious old-world garden which flanked the h...
23-04-13 Chapter V. The People Of the Drama Have you seen all you want of the study? asked White Mason as we reentered the house. For the time, said the inspector, and Holmes nodded. Then perhaps you would now like to hear the evidence of some of the people...
23-04-13 Chapter IV. Darkness At three in the morning the chief Sussex detective, obeying the urgent call from Sergeant Wilson of Birlstone, arrived from headquarters in a light dog-cart behind a breathless trotter. By the five-forty train in the morning he...
23-04-13 Chapter III. The Tragedy of Birlstone Now for a moment I will ask leave to remove my own insignificant personality and to describe events which occurred before we arrived upon the scene by the light of knowledge which came to us afterwards. Only in...
23-04-13 Chapter II. Sherlock Holmes Discourses It was one of those dramatic moments for which my friend existed. It would be an overstatement to say that he was shocked or even excited by the amazing announcement. Without having a tinge of cruelty in his si...
23-04-13 The Valley of Fear PART I. The Tragedy of Birlstone Chapter I. The Warning I am inclined to think said I. I should do so, Sherlock Holmes remarked impatiently. I believe that I am one of the most long-suffering of mortals; but Ill admit that I was a...