23-12-21 Earth is spinning faster 地球自转加速一天变短? The Earth is spinning faster than it has in five decades, scientists say. 科学家表示,地球现在自转的速度比过去50年都要快。 Since last year, a full day has been taking less than the normal 24 hours. 从去...
23-12-21 2020 saw spike in homicides 2020年美国凶杀案激增 2020 has been a killer year in every way, including murder. 2020年无论从哪方面来说都是致命的一年,从谋杀案数量上来看亦不例外。 The US has experienced the largest single one-year increase in homicides...
23-12-21 S. Korean population falls 韩全年人口首次负增长 South Koreas population fell year-on-year for the first time in 2020, census data showed Sunday, with a record low number of births getting surpassed by deaths to cause a natural decrease. 1月3日公布的...
23-12-21 Thousands storm US Capitol 抗议者冲进美国会大厦 The Capitol building was stormed by a mob of thousands carrying pro-Trump signs and American flags on Wednesday, breaking into the House and Senate Chambers as Congress began counting Electoral College...
23-12-21 Progress in quantum network 中国建星地量子通信网 Chinese scientists have created the worlds first integrated space-to-ground quantum network that can provide reliable, ultrasecure communication between more than 150 users over a total distance of 4,...
23-12-21 Transportation advances to maturity 长江经济带交通网提升 Railway construction in the Yangtze River Economic Belt, which comprises nine provinces and two municipalities in China, has witnessed rapid development in recent years. 涵盖9省2市的长江经济带...
23-12-21 Telescope opens for global research 中国天眼将对全球开放 Chinas Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical Radio Telescope (FAST), the worlds largest single-dish radio telescope, will be available for global service from April 1. 全世界最大的单口径射电望...
23-12-21 China-Europe freight trains hit record high 经新疆中欧班列创新高 A record number of 9,679 inbound and outbound China-Europe freight trains passed through Northwest Chinas Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region in 2020, according to China Railway Urumqi Gr...
23-12-21 China to overtake US by 2028 智库:中国经济2028年超美 China will overtake the US to become the worlds largest economy by 2028, five years earlier than previously forecast, a report said. 一份报告称,2028年中国将超越美国成为全球最大经济体,比原先预测...
23-12-21 People prudent about job change 八成人认为跳槽应慎重 A recent survey revealed that 69.8 percent of the Chinese working population was cautious about landing new jobs in the upcoming job change season. Nearly 86 percent of the respondents in the surv...