• A Sky Angel 空中天使

    24-03-21 A Sky Angel 空中天使 ◎ Robin Chapuis In 1978, I became a flight attendant for a major airline. Earning my wings was the culmination of a childhood dream that I had set for myself after my first plane ride at the age of five. Like so many others bef...

  • A Touch of Heaven 天堂的触摸

    24-03-21 A Touch of Heaven 天堂的触摸 ◎ Tim Reynolds It had been a very disheartening day. The doctors had given us the worst of news. Our daughter, who had just completed her first brain surgery to remove a tumor and was going through radiation treatments,...

  • The Five Boons of Life: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure, Death

    24-03-21 The Five Boons of Life: Fame, Love, Riches, Pleasure, Death 生命中的五个选择 ◎ Mark Twain In the morning of life came a good fairy with her basket, and said: Here are gifts. Take one, leave the others, and be wary, choose wisely! For only one of th...

  • Pandora 潘多拉

    24-03-21 Pandora 潘多拉 ◎ Anonymous After the stealing of fire, Zeus became increasingly unkind to men. One day he ordered his son Hephaestus to build an image of a beautiful maiden out of clay. He then asked the gods and goddesses to award her with differe...

  • Apollo 阿波罗

    24-03-21 Apollo 阿波罗 ◎ Anonymous Among the crowd of Olympian gods the one most widely admired was Apollo. He was the son of Zeus and Leto. According to Greek mythology, Leto was driven by Hera from land to land at last Poseidon took pity on her and brough...

  • Interview God 采访上帝

    24-03-21 Interview God 采访上帝 ◎ Jim Elwell Come in, God said to me, so, you would like to interview me? If you have the time. I said. He smiled through his beard and said: My time is called eternity and is enough to do everything; what questions do you ha...

  • The Colors of Friendship 友谊的颜色

    24-03-21 The Colors of Friendship 友谊的颜色 ◎ Anonymous Once upon a time the colors of the world started to quarrel. All claimed that they were the best. The most important. The most useful. The favorite. Green said: Clearly I am the most important. I am t...

  • Four Seasons of a Tree 一棵树的四季

    24-03-21 Four Seasons of a Tree 一棵树的四季 ◎ Assalam Walaikum Dont judge a life by one difficult season. There was a man. He had four sons. He wanted his sons to learn not to judge things to go and look at a pear tree that was far away. The first son went...

  • The Magic Mill 神 磨

    24-03-21 The Magic Mill 神 磨 ◎ Lester E.Garrett A long time ago, far, far away, there lived two brothers. One of them was quite rich: the other was very poor. The rich brother lived on a little island; he was a seller of salt. He had sold salt for many yea...

  • 推开上帝之门

    24-03-21 推开上帝之门 Too many times we pray for ease, but thats a prayer seldom met. What we need to do is pray for roots that reach deep into the Eternal, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we wont be swept asunder. 我们已祈祷了太多的安逸,但却少有...