15-05-17 The reign of the silver fox has been long and glorious. 银发盛行的时代由来已久且极受欢迎。 George Clooney, Robbie Williams and even The Great British Bake Off's Paul Hollywood have capitalised on their distinguished grey barnets, oozing style and so...
15-05-13 Grey hair is on trend with silver hair lovers the world over posting images on social media under the hashtag # grannyhair . 最近流行起了灰发。全世界的灰发爱好者们纷纷将自己的灰发照片分享到社交网络,并贴上奶奶灰的标签。 Instagram is awash with the g...
15-05-12 grizzly adj. 灰色的 n. 灰熊 grysande (苏格兰语)灰色 hoary adj. 久远的,古老的;灰白的 leaden adj. 铅灰色的;铅制的;沉闷的;铅一般重的 vt. 使沉重;使懒散;使呆滞 London smoke 伦敦烟灰色 Payne's grey 佩恩的灰蓝、红、黑和永久的白颜料的复合色。 pewter...
15-05-06 A rare albino dolphin that can go from white to pink when it is feeling flushed is pulling in the crowds at a water park in Japan. 日本的一家水上公园中,一只珍稀的白化变种海豚在情绪激动的时候身体颜色会从白色变为粉色,这一奇观吸引了许多游客在此驻足流...
13-03-05 如今灰字成了现代词汇的一个重要词素。如国家纪检部门(discipline inspection department)三番五次大力清理的所谓灰色收入(grey income);金融界有灰色市场(grey market)。灰色的经济和活动等不同于黑色手段,往往不违反法律或打擦边球、钻法律的空子(exploit l...
12-02-29 GHOSTS is abbreviation for the term Grey Haired Over Stressed Twenty Somethings. Japanese research suggests that hair follicles are susceptible to the same sort of stresses that damage DNA. GHOSTS是Grey Haired Over Stressed Twenty Somethings(二十几...
10-08-07 It's supposed to be a mark of distinction, but going grey is now the top concern for British men, according to new research. 头发颜色原本只是区分年龄的一个标志,然而一项最新调查显示,对于英国男性来说,头发变白是他们最关心的问题。 Hair color is the n...
09-12-01 A woman's genes are much more likely than lifestyle factors such as stress or diet to cause greying hair, a study suggests. 研究显示,一个女人的基因比诸如压力、饮食之类的生活方式因素更容易引起白头发。 There was very little difference in the greying...
09-11-26 The grey Great Wall winds in(缠绕) mountains and grey Siheyuan courtyards lie in hutongs. The grey is the tone of traditional architectures(建筑学,建筑物) in Beijing. The Great Wall of China, one of the greatest wonders of the world, was enlist...
09-08-30 古语说:物以稀为贵,应该没几个人不赞成吧。越稀有的东西,就越被人追捧,人们想要得到它的愿望也就越强烈。古时候,外邦进贡的稀罕玩意儿只有皇室贵族大臣们有机会把玩。到了现在,进口商品随处可见,只要有钱,你就可以拥有。没钱?那你可以去买grey product(水货...