23-01-31 Then what were you two knuckle heads thinking?! 那你们两个傻瓜在想什么?! Burning the midnight oil, Mr. Hamada? 在开夜车吗,浜田先生? You come up with something that blows Callaghan away. Youre in. 你想出一个能让卡拉汉惊艳的东西,就会被录...
22-10-17 源源不断,汉语成语,意思是接连不断、连绵不绝。可以翻译为continuously,in a steady stream等。 例句: 灵感源源不断 Get a perennial inspiration 石油通过这条输油管源源不断地流往北京。 Through this pipeline, crude oil flows to Beijing in a steady stream....
22-09-29 格格不入,汉语成语,形容彼此思想不协调,想法不相容。可以翻译为be out of line/step with,be incompatible with或be like oil and water等。 例句: 我跟那些人格格不入。 I dont belong among those people. 与现代社会格格不入 Be out of step with modern socie...
22-01-25 个人觉得,不管你是什么皮(oil油皮/dry干性/normal中性/combination混合/sensitive敏感),用散粉定妆真的可以让你的底妆看起来更精致,也可以让底妆更持久,有些粉底不定妆的话,脸会粘粘的有木有! 目的:让底妆更持久,让后续上其他彩妆的工作更轻松。 购物Tips:...
22-01-07 banana oil,按字面意思理解是香蕉油,但是这个短语在俚语口语中理解为香蕉油就不对了。 嘴巴上抹了香蕉油,油嘴滑舌地说的甜言蜜语自然不可信,所以这个俚语说的就是花言巧语、胡说。 Cut out the banana oil; flattery will get you nowhere! 别花言巧语了,吹捧是不...
21-10-23 1__ The backbone of Canadas economy is ___. A crude oil B cereal export C manufacturing D timber 2__ The longest river in Canada is ___. A the St. Lawrence B the Mackenzie C the Severn D the Yukon 3__ The name Canada is thought to be derived from ka...
21-06-29 表达 to burn the midnight oil 的字面意思是烧午夜的油,我们用这它来表达一个人挑灯夜战,开夜车,熬夜学习或工作。 例句 She had to burn the midnight oil to get the report done on time. 为了按时完成那份报告,她不得不工作到深夜。 He was burning the midnig...
21-03-15 Are you absent-minded? Sometimes I wish I were. So many things were achieved by people who just left something in their pocket or forgot to switch off a machine. Like what happened to this group of Swedish scientists. According to the British newspa...