21-05-30 1. Im exhausted. 我累极了。 形容词exhausted的意思是筋疲力尽的,它形容人非常疲惫,所表达的程度要高于近义词tired。 2. Im knackered. 我累坏了。 英国人在日常口语会话中用knackered来形容一个人累坏了、累垮了。 3. Im worn out. 我筋疲力...
11-07-14 No, growled(咆哮) the quartermaster, you can't have a new pair of shoes. The pair you have aren't worn out. Not worn out, cried the recruit, Why, if I step on a dime I can feel if it's head or tails. 不行,军需官大声说:你不能领一双新鞋子,你穿着...