日期:2008-03-24 SEIGNIOR or SEIGNEUR. Among the feudists, this name signified lord of the fee. F. N. B. 23. The most extended signification of this word includes not only a lord or peer of parliament, but is applied to the owner or proprietor of a thing; hence, the... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-24 SECUS. Otherwise. SEDITION, crimes. The raising commotions or disturbances in the state; it is a revolt against legitimate authority, Ersk. Princ. Laws, Scotl. b. 4, t. 4, s. 14; Dig. Lib. 49, t. 16, 1. 3, 19. 2. The distinction between sedition and... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SECTORES. Among the Romans the bidders at an auction were so called. Bab. on Auct. 2. TO SECURE. To protect, insure, or save a right. 2. The constitution of the United States, art. 1, s. 8, gives power to congress to promote the progress of science... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SECRETARY FOR THE DEPARTMENT OF WAR, government. This officer is appointed by the president. He is required to perform and execute such duties as shall, from time to time, be enjoined on or entrusted to him by the president, agreeably to the constit... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SECRETARY OF LEGATION. An officer employed to attend a foreign mission, and to perform certain duties as clerk. 2. His salary is fixed by the act of congress of May 1, 1810, s. 1, at such a sum as the president of the United States may allow, not ex... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SECRET. That which is not to be revealed. 2. Attorneys and counsellors, who have been trusted professionally with the secrets of their clients, are not allowed to reveal them in a court of justice. The right of secrecy belongs to the client, and not... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SEARCHER, Eng. law. An officer of the customs, whose duty it is to examine and search all ships outward bound, to ascertain whether they have any prohibited or uncustomed goods on board. SECK. This word has two significations. 1. It means a warrant... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SEARCH, practice. An examination made in the proper lien office for mortgages, liens, judgments, or other encumbrances, against real estate. The certificate given by the officer as to the result of such examination is also called a search. 2. Convey... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SEAMEN'S FUND. By the act of July 16, 1798, a provision is made for raising a fund for the relief of disabled and sick seamen: the master of every vessel arriving from a foreign port into the United States is required to pay to the collector of cust... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SEAMAN. A sailor; a mariner; one whose business is navigation. 2 Boulay Paty, Dr. Com. 232; Code de Commerce art. 262; Laws of Oleron, art. 7; Laws of Wishuy, art. 19. The term seamen, in it most enlarged sense, includes the captain a well as other... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SEAL-OFFICE, English practice. The office at which certain judicial writs are sealed with the prerogative seal, and without which they are of no author-ity. The officer whose duty it is to seal such writs is called sealer of writs; SEAL OF THE UNITE... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SEA SHORE, property. That space of land, on the border of the sea, which is alternately covered and left dry, by the rising and falling of the tide or, in other words, that space of land between high and low water mark. Hargr, Tr. 12; 6 Mass. 435, 4... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SCUTAGE, old Eng. law. The name of a tax or contribution raised for the use of the king's armies by those who held lands by knight's service. SCYREGEMOTE . The name of a court among the Saxons. It was the court of the shire, in Latin called curia co... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SCITE. The setting or standing of may place. The seat or situation of a capital messuage, or the ground on which it Stood. Jacob, L. D. h. t. SCOLD. A woman who by her habit of scolding becomes a nuisance to the neighborhood, is called a common scol... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SCINTILLA JURIS, estates; A spark of right. A legal fiction, resorted to for the purpose of enabling feoffees to uses to support contingent uses when they come into existence, thereby to enable the statutes of uses, 27 Henry VIII., to execute them.... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SCHOOLMASTER. One employed in teaching a school. 2. A schoolmaster stands in loco parentis in relation to the pupils committed to his charge, while they are under his care, so far as to enforce obedience to his, commands, lawfully given in his capac... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SATISFACTION PIECE, Eng. practice. An instrument of writing in which it is declared that, satisfaction is acknowledged between the plaintiff and defendant. It is signed by the attorney, and on its production and the warrant of attorney to the clerk... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SANS RECOURS. Without recourse. 2. These words are sometimes put on a bill before the payee endorses it; they have the effect of transferring the bill without responsibility to the endorser. Chit. on Bills, 179; 7 Taunt. 160; 1 Cowen, 538; 3 Cranch,... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SANCTUARY. A place of refuge, where the process of the law cannot be executed. 2. Sanctuaries may be divided into religious and civil. The former were very common in Europe; religious houses affording protection from arrest to all persons, whether a... 阅读全文>>

日期:2008-03-22 SALVAGE CHARGES. The expenses incurred to remunerate services rendered to a ship and cargo, which have prevented its being a total loss. Stev. on Av. c. 2, s. 1. SALVAGE LOSS. By salvage loss is understood the difference between the amount of salvag... 阅读全文>>

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