Thirty-some years after making their debut1 as cartoon characters, vehicle-morphing Transformers have finally become a reality, thanks to the efforts of a Turkish company out of Ankara.
The R&D-focused company, called Letvision, recently wowed the internet with a presentation video for their prototype car-transforming robot, ANTIMON. The recently-released footage shows a red BMW M3 being unveiled and remotely driven toward the camera, where it proceeds to transform into a
mighty2 Autobot-like robot. The whole process takes a bit longer than in Michael Bay's CGI movies, but it's still
mesmerizing3 to watch.
For fear of copyright
infringement4 issues, Letvision chose to call its creations Letrons, but they're as close to real-life Transformers as they can currently get. The first video of ANTIMON shows that it can move its arm and head on command and while walking functionality has not been developed yet, the company claims it's doable if they can secure reasonable funding for a new research and development project.
On its official website, Letvision claims that ANTIMON was developed using an actual BMW M3, but it can only be control remotely, as the seating part of the car is currently taken up by the hydraulics system required for the
awesome5 transformation6 into a Letron. However, they plan on making the vehicles drivable, which probably means integrating the passenger seat into the Letron as well.