About 13 million pages of declassified1 documents from the US Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) have been released online.
The move came after
lengthy2 efforts from freedom of information advocates and a
lawsuit3 against the CIA.
The agency published the roughly 930,000 documents that make up the CIA Records Search Tool (
Crest4) on Tuesday.
While much of the information has been
technically5 publicly available since the mid-1990s, it has been very difficult to access.
The records were only available on four physical computers located in the back of a library at the National Archives in Maryland, between 09:00 and 16:30 each day.
Previously6, in order to directly access Crest, a researcher was required to visit the National Archives at College Park, Maryland," according to the program's webpage. "CIA recognized that such visits were
inconvenient7 and presented an obstacle to many researchers."
The Crest database features a wide range of different files, including former secretary of state Henry Kissinger's papers, and documents on
Nazi8 war crimes. The collection also has files on UFOs, recipes for invisible ink and reports on research into telepathy.