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In the 2021-2025 period, China plans to keep the number of students at technical schools above 3.6 million and the employment rate for graduates above 97 percent, said the plan. By 2025, China expects to have provided over 20 million vocational training sessions to enterprise employees and key employment groups, as well as training more than 2 million highly-skilled personnel.
《规划》明确,“十四五”期间,我国将持续提升技工院校毕业生待遇,推动落实毕业生享受就业创业、参军入伍等相关政策(works will be done to allow technical school graduates to enjoy relevant policies on employment, entrepreneurship and army recruitment),中级工班、高级工班、预备技师(技师)班毕业生分别按照中专、大专、本科学历落实职称评审(the granting of professional titles)、事业单位公开招聘(employment in public institutions)等有关政策。
规划还提出,全面加强学生权益保障(ensure benefits for students in technical schools)。调整改版技工院校毕业证书,为毕业生各项政策待遇落实提供支持。完善学生实习管理制度(improve internship1 arrangements),积极探索实习生参加工伤保险办法(provide work-related injury insurance for interns),加快发展学生实习实训责任保险和人身意外伤害保险。
技工院校是培养生产和服务一线技术工人的专门学校(technical schools are schools specializing in training frontline workers in the production and service sectors2)。人社部数据显示,截至2020年末,全国共有技工院校2423所,在校生395万人(as of the end of 2020, China had 2,423 technical schools, with 3.95 million students enrolled),2020年全年面向社会开展各类职业技能培训超过400万人次。
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