What bugs1 you most about your job?
Americans hate their jobs more than ever before in the past 20 years, with fewer than half saying they are satisfied.
The trend is strongest among workers under the age of 25, less than 39 percent of whom are satisfied with their jobs.
Workers age 45 to 54 have the second lowest level of satisfaction, according a survey conducted by The Conference Board, a market information company.
Older people like their jobs more. Nearly half of all workers over 55 are satisfied with their employment situation.
Overall, dissatisfaction has spread among all workers, regardless of age, income or residence. Twenty years ago, the first time the survey was conducted, 61 percent of all Americans said they were satisfied with their jobs, according to the representative survey of 5,000 U.S. households, said Lynn Franco, director of the Conference Board's Consumer Research Center.
"Although a certain amount of dissatisfaction with one's job is to be expected, the breadth of dissatisfaction is somewhat unsettling." Franco said.
Money rarely buys happiness but it can buy job satisfaction. People making under $15,000 per year reported the lowest satisfaction while those making more than $50,000 per year said they were the most satisfied.
People living in New York, New Jersey2 and Pennsylvania are the most disgruntled, with less than 41% percent say they are satisfied with their current job, and people living in Montana, Idaho, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and New Mexico were most likely to whistle while they work (56 percent reported being satisfied).
The thing that bugged3 most workers the most about their jobs were bonus plans and promotion4 policies. Workload5 and potential for growth were rated poorly also.
But the majority of workers polled found their work and co-workers interesting and their commute6 satisfying.
其次为45岁至54岁之间的这一人群。这项调查是由Conference Board市场信息咨询公司开展的。
总的来说,无论年龄、收入和工作地的差别,所有员工对工作都有不满意的地方。据Conference Board公司消费者研究中心主任林恩·弗兰科介绍,20年前第一次进行该调查时,对美国5000个家庭的抽样调查表明,61%的美国人对工作感到满意。