What are Britons worrying?
Britons spend more than five years of their total life worrying, or 27 days a year, according to a survey.
The biggest cause for anxiety is personal health, followed by financial issues and crime, the findings of advice website ReallyWorried.com revealed.
Young people in their late teens worried most, with 10 per cent spending 12 hours a day stressing, although perhaps surprisingly getting on the property ladder preoccupied1 them more than sex, their education or environmental fears.
Women worry more about their partners having affairs while men worried more about sex, either a lack of it or their performance, according to the research based on a survey of 2,000 Britons.
"The research shows that most people in Britain are really worried, whether it's about something monumental like their partner is cheating on them or something relatively2 simple to sort out such as getting to grips with technology," said Richard Rubin, founder3 of ReallyWorried.com.
The survey's top 10 worry issues were:
1. Personal health
2. Outgoings & income
3. Crime
4. Cost of living
5. Terrorism
6. My children's future
7. National Health Service
8. Gun/knife culture
9. Global warming
10. Pensions
英国人担心的十大问题: 1.个人健康 2.个人财务状况 3.犯罪问题 4.生活费用 5.恐怖主义 6.子女前途 7.国民医疗服务 8.“刀枪”文化 9.全球变暖 10.养老金问题