It's last minute for deciding and choosing a gift for Dad!
Okay, it's officially last minute for deciding and choosing Father's Day gifts. Here are some last-minute ideas.
The gift of music. If you've got the cash, and think Dad might like his own MP3 player to enjoy, go with an Apple iPod nano, which would allow him to listen to and wirelessly1 buy all kinds of music via a Yahoo! Music subscription2. If he's strictly3 a CD man, burn one for him with some new tunes4 you think he'd like.
Digital camera. The most expensive thing on this last-minute list, the Canon PowerShot SD600 IS Digital Elph is a can't-miss choice for excellent photos with simple-to-use features. It slips into a pocket and makes taking consistently great pictures of the kids nearly effortless.
Do something for him. Sometimes the best gift is noticing what Dad does around the house to keep things running smoothly5, and then offering to do it in his stead. Mow6 the lawn. Take out the garbage and recycling for a month. If you don't live near your Dad, you can promise to do a few things to help out around the house on the next visit-then follow through!
Something simple. Kids can make a unique, personal T-shirt for Dad quickly and easily with EasyImage.
Sunday will be here before we know it. Don't put it off another day!
与音乐有关的礼物。如果你有足够的银子,而且觉得爸爸可能想拥有一个自己的MP3,那就送他一个苹果iPod nano,这样他可以通过Yahoo!音乐订制服务用无线的方式买到并听到各种音乐。如果爸爸是个不折不扣的CD迷,那就挑一些你觉得他会喜欢的新歌,给他灌张碟。
数码相机。“最后一刻礼物”中最昂贵的东西。佳能PowerShot SD600 IS Digital Elph相机简单易操作,而且拍照效果极佳,是个不能错过的选择。这款相机易携带,而且几乎可以不费力气就能给孩子们拍出效果很好的照片。