A beggar from Hubei enjoys colorful life
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2007-10-24 06:07 字体: [ ]  进入论坛
Chinanews, Chengdu, Oct. 23 – According to Chengdu Evening News, a beggar from Hubei Province, Xia Haibo, enjoys a colorful life here in Chengdu, Sichuan Province. He begs in the morning, and uses the Internet in the evening. He is regarded as “the most incredible1 beggar ever” in Chengdu.


Those who support him are mainly young people. But some think Xia is a hooligan. Xia claims himself to be a beggar and also a blogger.


Xia said he could earn 50 yuan per day. Since he started begging in last April, he has visited Wuhan, Beijing, Guangzhou and Kunming. He arrived in Chengdu on Oct. 17, preparing to stay there in the next 28 days.


Xia often begs in prosperous cities. He revealed that he had earned 15,000 yuan. After he gave some money to his parents, brothers and classmates, he still had 5,000 yuan. Xie said that the government also gave him financial support, which motivated him to write a book on his experience as a beggar.



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