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The poll of 7,982 US consumers by the company BIGresearch showed Barbie remained the most sought after toy for girls, with the rival Bratz dolls in second place, generic3 dolls in third place followed by Dora the Explorer and Disney Princess. But for boys there was a bit of a shake-up in the annual list with last year's favorite, TMX Elmo, losing out to Transformers, like the Autobots and Decepticons, made popular by the movie of the same name. Coming second on the boys' wish-list was video games overall and the top 10 also included two games consoles - the Nintendo Wii and Microsoft's XBox 360. The National Retail4 Federation5, a retail trade association which commissioned the annual survey, said the best advice for parents was to shop early so they did not miss out on their children's favorites. "It's always a race for parents to find the year's sought after toys," said NRF President and CEO Tracy Mullin in a statement. Newcomers to the girls' list this year were toys involving Disney singing star Hannah Montana, and the popular Webkinz animals that come with a special code to give access to Webkinz World online. Cars, Spider-Man and LEGOs also featured in the boys' top 10 wish lists. This year's top 10 holiday wish-lists: GIRLS: 1. Barbie 2. Bratz 3. Dolls (generic) 4. Dora the Explorer 5. Disney Princess 6. Disney Hannah Montana 7. Nintendo Wii 8. Webkinz 9. Elmo 10. American Girl BOYS 1. Transformers 2. Video Games 3. Nintendo Wii 4. Cars (generic) 5. Spider-Man 6. LEGOs 7. Thomas the Tank Engine 8. Xbox 360 9. Elmo 10. Remote Controlled Vehicles
一项有关孩子必备玩具的民意调查显示,“芭比娃娃”连续第五年被评为女孩最心仪的圣诞礼物;而今年男孩们更青睐“高科技”玩具。 该项由“比格”调查公司开展的调查共有7982位美国消费者参加。调查结果显示,“芭比娃娃”仍然是女孩们最渴望得到的玩具,其次是“贝兹娃娃”,“普通娃娃”名列第三,“朵拉探险者”和迪斯尼公主位居其后。 而男孩的“口味”则发生了点小变化。去年的“冠军”“T.M.X.艾尔默”被“变形金刚”系列玩具取代,如“汽车人”和“霸天虎”。今年,“变形金刚”玩具因同名电影《变形金刚》而人气大增。 “电子游戏”名列“男孩最心仪的圣诞礼物榜”第二位,此外,“任天堂”和“微软XBOX360”两种游戏机也跻身该排行榜前十名。 该项一年一度的调查由美国国家零售联合会委托开展。该行业协会建议,家长们最好尽早采购,以防买不到。 美国国家零售联合会主席及首席执行官翠西•穆林在一份声明中说:“每年,家长为了给孩子们抢购玩具,弄得都跟‘打仗’似的。” 今年,“女孩最心仪的圣诞礼物榜”上出现了两位新成员,它们是迪斯尼的歌星汉娜•蒙塔娜以及网娃绒毛玩具,网娃玩具附带登录网娃社区(Webkinz World online)的密码。(译者注:用密码登录后,可以在社区里领养一只宠物)。 汽车、蜘蛛人和“乐高”玩具拼图跻身男孩最心仪的礼物榜前十名。 今年孩子们最心仪的十大圣诞礼物如下: 女孩最心仪的十大圣诞礼物榜 1、 芭比娃娃 2、 贝兹娃娃 3、 普通娃娃 4、 朵拉探险者 5、 迪斯尼公主 6、 迪斯尼的“汉娜•蒙塔娜” 7、 任天堂 8、 网娃 9、 艾尔默 10、美国女孩 男孩最心仪的十大圣诞礼物榜 1、 变形金刚 2、 电子游戏 3、 任天堂 4、 普通玩具汽车 5、 蜘蛛人 6、 “乐高”玩具拼图 7、 “托马斯坦克” 8、 微软Xbox 360游戏及 9、 艾尔默 10、遥控小汽车
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