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While hotel heiress Paris Hilton hit the headlines for spending time in jail and making a sex video with a boyfriend, Forbes.com said the women on its list were "proving themselves every bit as tenacious3 and ambitious as their namesakes." In top spot on the list is Vanisha Mittal Bhatia of India, who has a master’s degree in South Asian studies and sits on the board of Mittal Steel, owned by her father Lakshmi Mittal, estimated by Forbes to be worth $51 billion. "She's perhaps best known for the $60 million Parisian wedding her father threw her and 1,000 of their closest friends in 2004.” said the Web site (www.forbes.com). The women on the list are all under 40 and ranked according to their father's or mother's most recent net worth on either Forbes' World's Billionaires list, the Forbes 400 list of the Richest Americans, or Forbes Asia's 40 Richest Indians. Coming in at No. 2 is Delphine Arnault Gancia of France, daughter of Bernard Arnault who runs the Moet Hennessy Louis Vuitton (LVMH) luxury goods empire. Gancia is a former McKinsey consultant4 and the first woman to be named a director on the LVMH board, Forbes.com said. Third is Marta Ortega Perez, youngest child of Spain's richest resident Amancio Ortega, worth an estimated $24 billion and chairman of Inditex, owner of the Zara clothing chain. "Marta is being groomed5 to succeed her father, and she's learning the how-to's of retail6 by working the floor -- stocking shelves, assisting customers -- in some of the family's stores," Forbes.com said. Georgina Bloomberg, daughter of New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg -- majority owner of Bloomberg LP financial news and data company and estimated to be worth $11.5 billion -- comes in at No. 4. She is vying7 for a spot on the 2008 US.Olympic equestrian8 team. Samantha Kluge takes No. 5. She is the "sometimes wild child" of communications mogul John Kluge, estimated to be worth $9.5 billion, and boasts 12 tattoos9 and two annulled10 marriages, Forbes.com said. Josie Ho Chiu Yi, daughter of Stanley Ho, Macao’s casino mogul, stands at the eighth. She is an actress and singer.
福布斯网站称,相比酒店集团的女性继承人帕里斯•希尔顿因蹲监狱和与男友的性爱录像带丑闻而频登报纸头条,这次上榜的豪门千金则证明了她们与自己的父辈一样,品质坚强、有雄心壮志。 荣登排行榜首位的是印度钢铁大王拉克什米•米塔尔的女儿瓦尼莎•米塔尔•巴蒂亚。她曾获东南亚研究硕士学位,目前任职于米塔尔钢铁集团董事会。据《福布斯》估计,钢铁大王米塔尔的个人资产达到510亿美元。 《福布斯》网站称:“她最出名的事可能要数她2004年在巴黎举行的盛大婚礼了。当时,钢铁大王米塔尔为女儿的婚礼耗资6000万美元,并大宴千名宾客。” 登上该榜的富家女都不到40岁,评选的主要依据是她们的父亲或母亲在“福布斯全球亿万富翁榜”、“福布斯400位美国富豪榜”或“福布斯亚洲40大富豪榜”上最近的个人净资产总额。 位居第二的是法国路易•威登集团主席伯纳德•阿尔诺特的女儿德尔菲娜•阿尔诺特•甘西娅。据介绍,甘西娅曾是麦肯锡公司的一名顾问,现已加盟路易•维登集团,并是集团董事会的首位女董事。 第三位是Inditex集团主席、Zara时装连锁店老板阿曼西欧•奥尔特加的小女儿玛尔塔•奥尔特加•佩雷兹。阿曼西欧是西班牙首富,拥有约240亿美元的资产。 《福布斯》网站介绍说:“玛尔塔正在为接班做准备,目前她在几家分店打杂学习零售基础知识,比如,摆货和接待顾客等。” 纽约市市长迈克尔•布隆姆博格的女儿乔治娅•布隆姆博格名列第四。布隆姆博格是财经新闻及数据集团“彭博资讯”的最大股东,拥有约115亿美元的个人资产。乔治娅•布隆姆博格目前正在争取参加2008年奥运会马术比赛的资格。 位居第五的是个人资产达95亿美元的通讯业巨头约翰•克拉奇的女儿萨曼塔。福布斯介绍说,萨曼塔“有时候有点野”,她全身共有12处纹身,曾有过两次婚姻。 中国澳门博彩业巨头何鸿燊之女何超仪也榜上有名,名列第八。何超仪是一名演员兼歌手。
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