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When it comes to love, it is money that talks? But the 28-year-old man from Shanghai has found that when it comes to the four-letter word, it is money that talks. In fact, it was the subject of the couple's frequent fights - before they decided2 to "take a break" from the relationship early this year, he said. "She made it very clear: An apartment works. No apartment, no-go," Lu said. A recent snap poll conducted online by the China Youth Daily and qq.com showed a growing number of the country's young adults shared the view of Lu's girlfriend. Nearly half the 8,932 respondents said that money and other financial packages are the most important preconditions for love. Many young singles are also checking out the financial status of their potential partners before getting married. Of those surveyed, 85.5 percent said the younger generation paid more attention to financial status when considering potential life partners than previous generations. Lu, for example, said he cannot afford to buy an apartment. "The mortgage is about 7,000 yuan ($950) a month," said the man, whose monthly salary is about 8,000 yuan. "Housing prices are so high and everything is expensive in the city. Marrying a rich man equals a good marriage," he said. But all is not lost for love. The survey also found 40 percent of those polled considered true love paramount3 in a relationship, while 40 percent still believed in love at first sight.
两年前,(某公司)市场总监陆运(译者注:音译)与女友一见钟情。 但这个28岁的上海小伙不久后发现,“爱”是要用金钱来“呵护”的。 陆先生说,他和女友经常为此吵架。直到今年年初,他们决定“分开一段时间”。 陆先生说:“女友的态度很明确:必须得买房子。没有房子,一切免谈。” 近日,中国青年报与腾讯网联合开展的一项在线调查发现,越来越多的年轻人和陆先生女友的想法一样。 很多单身青年在结婚前还调查未来伴侣的经济状况。 在8932位受访者中,近一半的人称,金钱及其它一些经济条件是爱情的首要前提。 85.5%的受访者称,与前几代人相比,如今的年轻人择偶时更注重对方的经济条件。 陆先生说自己现在还买不起房子。 陆先生月薪8000元,他说:“(如果要买房的话,)每月得交7000元的房贷。” 他说:“现在房价太高了,上海的消费也高。如今,嫁给有钱人就是嫁得好。” 但即便如此,我们还是应该对爱情充满信心。 调查发现,40%的受访者认为两个人真心相爱才最重要,40%的人仍然相信一见钟情。
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