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They may have promised to have and to hold for richer and for poorer. But wives are most interested in the richer part. In a British study of married men and women, the majority of wives - 59 per cent - said they would divorce immediately if their future economic security was assured. The survey also found more than half of husbands thought their marriage was "loveless". And among both sexes, more than one in ten wished they had wed1 someone else. Responding to the astonishing results, relationship experts warned couples to avoid getting stuck in a rut - or risk the trauma2 of divorce. The survey of 2,000 adults revealed that 12 per cent would stay in an unhappy relationship just for an easy life. Almost 30 per cent said they were staying in a doomed3 marriage to save themselves going through a massive upheaval4. Thirty-seven per cent said they were staying for the sake of the children. Almost a third of those polled were concerned they would be left with absolutely nothing if they walked out on their marriage. And 30 per cent of men said they were scared that they would have to leave without their children. The survey was commissioned by solicitors5 Seddons after a rush of divorce applications in the first week of the new year. Overall, 12 per cent said they were in a loveless relationship and more than a third (35 per cent) believed their marriage would turn stale in the near future. A shocking 56 per cent admitted they were not completely happy in their relationship - and more than half said they had considered splitting from their partner. A spokesman for the marriage counselling service-Relate said: "It's so easy for married couples to get stuck in a rut once the realities of paying the bills and getting the children's breakfast sets in. "Relationships inevitably6 change over time. Divorce impacts on every single area of a person's life. Dividing up the family home, pets and everything they own is just part of the process."
不过妻子们还是更愿意在“富贵”的时候相随。 英国一项对已婚男女的调查表明,多数女性(59%)表示如果以后在经济上能得到保障,她们会马上离婚。 另外,调查发现,超过一半的男性认为自己的婚姻“无爱”。 超过十分之一的男性和女性觉得自己找错了人。 针对这些令人惊讶的调查结果,婚姻问题专家提醒已婚夫妇不要陷入生活的陈规,否则会走向离婚的边缘。 该项调查共有两千名成年人参加,结果显示,12%的受访者表示,为了过上“安逸”的生活,他们愿意忍受不幸福的婚姻。 近30%的人称他们忍受不幸福的婚姻,就是不愿去经受那种剧变。 37%的受访者称不离婚是为了孩子。 近三分之一的受访者担心离婚后会一无所有。 30%的男性害怕失去孩子。 该调查由希登斯律师事务所委托开展,该机构在新年后的第一周内收到了大量的离婚申请。 总体来看,12%的人说自己正在经受无爱婚姻的折磨,超过三分之一(35%)的人认为婚姻的激情正在慢慢减退。 多达56%的人承认婚后生活并不十分开心,超过一半的人考虑过与对方分开。 Relate婚姻咨询服务机构的发言人说:“对于已婚夫妇而言,一旦支付账单和给孩子做早餐等家庭琐事成为每天的现实,两个人便很容易陷入‘陈规’。” “久而久之,两人的感情必然发生变化。离婚会对个人生活的方方面面产生影响。分家、分宠物、分财产仅是其中的一部分。”
Vocabulary: in a rut:living or working in a situation that never changes, so that you feel bored(陷入一成不变的(生活或工作)模式) 点击 ![]()
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