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Love is in the air for over 70 percent of Canadians, but men and women seem to view romantic relationships differently, according to a new survey. An Ipsos Reid poll that surveyed 1,033 Canadian adults found 78 percent of women said they were in love, while only 64 percent of men said the same. "It seems that men and women are not quite on the same page," said Sean Simpson, research manager at Ipsos Reid. "There may be some lack of communication going on, or that perhaps men are slower to come around and realize their feelings." Overall, 71 of those surveyed said they were in love, with more romance in the air on the East Coast than the West. Eighty-nine percent of those from Atlantic Canada said they were in love, while only 67 percent of those in the Pacific Coast province of British Columbia could say the same. The online survey also found that among the 35 to 54 age group, 80 percent of women and 67 percent of men said their partner was "a good lover." One in 10 said their partner was either "not very good" or "not good at all." Among those surveyed, 23 percent of men versus1 12 percent of women said they were single. "Online polls tend to be brutally2 honest," said Simpson, noting that there was no one on the other end of the phone to deal with. "I wonder if men are fooling themselves, thinking, well there's no one to prove whether I'm single or not." 一项最新调查显示,超过70%的加拿大人正在享受爱情的甜蜜,不过男性和女性对于爱情的感受似乎不太一样。 益普索•雷德调查机构对1033名加拿大成年人开展的一项民意调查发现,78%的女性称自己正在恋爱,而男性称自己在谈恋爱的仅有64%。 益普索调查机构的调查部经理西恩•辛普森说:“男性和女性的感觉似乎不太一样。可能是因为男女双方缺乏交流,或者是因为男性对于感情的反应相对比较迟钝。” 总体来看,71%的受访者说自己正在恋爱。东部沿海地区比西部地区的“爱意”更浓,在加拿大大西洋地区的受访者中,89%的人称自己正在享受甜蜜爱情,而在太平洋沿岸的英属哥伦比亚省,仅有67%的人有同样的感受。 此外,该项在线民调发现,在35岁至54岁的人群中,分别有80%的女性和67%的男性认为自己的伴侣是个“很好的爱人”。 十分之一的人认为他们的伴侣“不是很好”或“一点也不好”。 在所有受访者中,分别有23%的男性和12%的女性是单身。 辛普森说:“人们在接受在线调查时往往很坦白,”不需要像打电话那样还得去应付对方。 “不过不知道男性有没有都说实话,没准他们会想反正没人会去核实我到底是不是单身。” 点击 ![]()
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