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When you buy a Beverly Hills estate for a reported $35 million, you don't just throw any old housewarming party. Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes hosted a lavish1, over-the-top housewarming last Saturday night for more than 500 guests. The couple and their daughter, Suri, recently moved into the 10,000-square-foot home with seven bedrooms and 10 bathrooms, which they purchased last year. The party was a who's who of A-listers. Reese Witherspoon showed up holding hands with boyfriend Jake Gyllenhaal. Eva Longoria Parker, in canary yellow cocktail2 dress, brought her sister as her date. Prince, Sean Combs, Kirstie Alley3 and Oprah Winfrey all attended the bash. Many of Cruise's former costars also came to celebrate, including Tobey Maguire (Tropic Thunder), Ben Stiller (Tropic Thunder) and Dakota Fanning (War of The Worlds). And, of course, there was family: Cruise's mother and sister were among the first guests to arrive. It was no small feat4 pulling off this party. Crews from Town and Country events had been setting up tents in the backyard of the new TomKat compound for days. An army of valets were on hand, as were eight police officers to direct the stream of limousines5 that began arriving around 8 p.m. The Cruises spared no expense for this gathering6. Famed chef Wolfgang Puck catered7 the event and a full band provided entertainment. Every contingency8 was thought of, even an ambulance and EMT unit were on hand just in case they were needed. 如果你花3500万美元在比弗利山庄买了套豪宅,想必你不会随便弄一个老式的“暖屋派对”。 汤姆•克鲁斯和凯蒂•赫尔姆斯于上周六晚在家中举办了一个盛大豪华的乔迁派对,共有五百多位宾客到场恭贺。阿汤夫妇和小女儿苏芮近日入住他们去年在比弗利山庄购置的一套豪宅,这套豪宅面积达1万平方英尺(相当于900多平米),共有七个卧室和十个洗手间。 当晚的派对可谓“星光熠熠”。里丝•威瑟斯彭与男友杰克•格伦哈尔手拉着手甜蜜亮相;身着淡黄色鸡尾酒裙的伊娃•朗格利亚•帕克带着姐姐一同来到现场;此外,普林斯、(“吹牛老爹”)西恩•科姆斯、科斯蒂•艾莉和名嘴奥普拉•温芙瑞也出席了当晚的派对。 “阿汤哥”以前的很多戏中搭档也前去恭贺,包括托比•马奎尔(《热带惊雷》)、本•斯蒂勒(《热带惊雷》)和达寇塔•范宁(《世界大战》)等。出席宴会的当然也少不了家人,率先到达宴会的人中就有“阿汤哥”的妈妈和姐姐。 筹办这个派对实在不是件小事。Town &Country活动策划公司的工作人员几天前就开始在阿汤哥新家的后院搭建帐篷。宴会现场还有一批贴身男侍从,以及八名指挥现场交通的警察。豪华轿车于当晚八点左右开始陆续抵达。 克鲁斯夫妇为了筹办这场派对可谓不惜“血本”。两人专门聘请了名厨沃尔夫冈•帕克料理食物,还邀请了一个乐队为宾客演奏音乐。就连各种紧急情况也考虑到了,派对现场有一辆救护车和一个急救队随时候命。 点击 ![]()
上一篇:双语阅读:旧金山被评为美国“最健康城市” 下一篇:英文阅读 调查:刷卡消费成新潮流 |
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