帕里斯醉驾成负面教材 尸体雕塑闪亮登场
文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2008-09-17 03:16 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

又是一款“炒作”艺术—— 好莱坞名媛帕丽斯·希尔顿的“尸体解剖”雕像。曾为布兰妮打造分娩裸像的雕塑师尼尔·爱德华兹近日又推新作,这次雕塑的对象是赤身裸体躺在尸检台上的帕丽斯。据丹尼尔介绍,这次作品的灵感来自于帕丽斯去年醉酒驾驶被捕一案,作品专为致力宣传反对醉酒驾驶而设计,希望借此展品告诫年轻人不要未成年饮酒。

Paris Hilton's ready to spill her guts1 in the name of art.

New York artist Daniel Edwards, previously2 responsible for last year's sculpture of a very pregnant Britney Spears down on all fours, recently polished off a piece entitled Paris Hilton Autopsy3, which will be thecenterpieceof "Campaign to Rescue Women of Youth," a public service announcement about the perils4 ofdrunk driving.

The life-sized sculpture depicts5 a supposedly dead Hilton, in the nude6 except for a jeweled tiara perched on her head, with Tinkerbell (in matching tiara) lying across the heiress' shoulder. A cell phone is clutched in Hilton's hand.

To help ram7 the message home, the Hilton sculpture has an open abdominal8 cavity and its innards are removable, as if the Simple Life star were really being splayed out for an autopsy. All of the internal organs have been rendered to scale and visitors to the exhibition will be encouraged to don a pair of gloves and pick through the plaster-and-clay remains9.

The decidedly morbid10 display, which will have its unveiling May 11 at Capla Kesting Fine Art in Brooklyn's Williamsburg neighborhood, is designed to "counter the disturbingly glamorized trend of Hollywood's girls-gone-wild," gallery director David Kesting said.

Hilton, who pleaded no contest to alcohol-related reckless driving in January stemming from her September arrest on suspicion of driving under the influence, participated in a PSA as part of her sentence, which included three years' probation11 and 40 hours of community service.

"I think Daniel is really trying to embrace Paris' stance against youth drunk driving and the dangers that alcohol presents to young women in our society right now," Kesting told E! Online.

The tiara is a reference to other high-profile beauties whose lives either came to an end or were compromised by drinking, including Princess Diana, whose driver was drunk when she was killed in a fatal car crash in Paris, and former Miss USA Tara Conner, who almost lost her crown due to her hard-partying ways and ended up in rehab.

Hilton's rep couldn't be reached for comment, so there's no word yet on what she thinks about the finished product.

Kesting couldn't say for sure whether Hilton knew about Edwards' latest commission, but he said that he "wouldn't be surprised if she was" involved.

"I think that Daniel's really gone out of his way to help inform the public about how she really feels about" the DUI issue, Kesting said.

And Edwards is no slouch when it comes to producing works of art that delve12 beneath the surface of the latest hot-button issues.

In addition to the anatomically correct Monument to Pro-Life: The Birth of Sean Preston, featuring Spears giving birth to her firstborn on a bearskin rug, he also gave us Suri's Bronzed Baby Poop, in honor of what presumably came out after Suri Cruise's first solid meal.



drunk driving:酒后开车


1 guts Yraziv     
v.狼吞虎咽,贪婪地吃,飞碟游戏(比赛双方每组5人,相距15码,互相掷接飞碟);毁坏(建筑物等)的内部( gut的第三人称单数 );取出…的内脏n.勇气( gut的名词复数 );内脏;消化道的下段;肠
  • I'll only cook fish if the guts have been removed. 鱼若已收拾干净,我只需烧一下即可。
  • Barbara hasn't got the guts to leave her mother. 巴巴拉没有勇气离开她妈妈。 来自《简明英汉词典》
2 previously bkzzzC     
  • The bicycle tyre blew out at a previously damaged point.自行车胎在以前损坏过的地方又爆开了。
  • Let me digress for a moment and explain what had happened previously.让我岔开一会儿,解释原先发生了什么。
3 autopsy xuVzm     
  • They're carrying out an autopsy on the victim.他们正在给受害者验尸。
  • A hemorrhagic gut was the predominant lesion at autopsy.尸检的主要发现是肠出血。
4 perils 3c233786f6fe7aad593bf1198cc33cbe     
极大危险( peril的名词复数 ); 危险的事(或环境)
  • The commander bade his men be undaunted in the face of perils. 指挥员命令他的战士要临危不惧。
  • With how many more perils and disasters would he load himself? 他还要再冒多少风险和遭受多少灾难?
5 depicts fd8ee09c0b2264bb6b44abf7282d37f6     
描绘,描画( depict的第三人称单数 ); 描述
  • The book vividly depicts French society of the 1930s. 这本书生动地描绘了20 世纪30 年代的法国社会。
  • He depicts the sordid and vulgar sides of life exclusively. 他只描写人生肮脏和庸俗的一面。
6 nude CHLxF     
  • It's a painting of the Duchess of Alba in the nude.这是一幅阿尔巴公爵夫人的裸体肖像画。
  • She doesn't like nude swimming.她不喜欢裸泳。
7 ram dTVxg     
(random access memory)随机存取存储器
  • 512k RAM is recommended and 640k RAM is preferred.推荐配置为512K内存,640K内存则更佳。
8 abdominal VIUya     
  • The abdominal aorta is normally smaller than the thoracic aorta.腹主动脉一般比胸主动脉小。
  • Abdominal tissues sometimes adhere after an operation.手术之后腹部有时会出现粘连。
9 remains 1kMzTy     
  • He ate the remains of food hungrily.他狼吞虎咽地吃剩余的食物。
  • The remains of the meal were fed to the dog.残羹剩饭喂狗了。
10 morbid u6qz3     
  • Some people have a morbid fascination with crime.一些人对犯罪有一种病态的痴迷。
  • It's morbid to dwell on cemeteries and such like.不厌其烦地谈论墓地以及诸如此类的事是一种病态。
11 probation 41zzM     
  • The judge did not jail the young man,but put him on probation for a year.法官没有把那个年轻人关进监狱,而且将他缓刑察看一年。
  • His salary was raised by 800 yuan after his probation.试用期满以后,他的工资增加了800元。
12 delve Mm5zj     
  • We should not delve too deeply into this painful matter.我们不应该过分深究这件痛苦的事。
  • We need to delve more deeply into these questions.这些是我们想进一步了解的。