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She fills two converted bedrooms with clothes -- one for casual and a second for glam -- and staying organized worked for singer Fergie who on Wednesday made People magazine's 2008 list of best dressed women. "I don't like to throw anything away," Fergie said about the clothes in her "closets" for People's widely-watched Best & Worst Dressed 2008 issue that hits newsstands this Friday. Joining Fergie in the top 10 list were actresses Kate Hudson, Anne Hathaway, Gwyneth Paltrow, Charlize Theron, Eva Mendes, and Sarah Jessica Parker. Singer Rihanna and supermodel Heidi Klum also made the list. Rounding out the top 10 was Michelle Obama, wife of Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, who was given high marks for a look that was "classic and confident." At 44, the tall, athletic1 former lawyer was the most senior woman on the magazine's annual list. "She has a look. She works it with confidence, and she knows what looks good on her," said People's Style Editor Clarissa Cruz ."Politics may be tougher than ever, but Obama has wowed along the campaign trail with confidence, in polished looks that bring to mind a famous former first lady," wrote People in an apparent reference to Jacqueline Kennedy. "The thing they all have in common is that they all had a great year, stuck to their own personal style and stayed true to that," said Cruz. The magazine's editors also spent time peering into the fashion choices of Republican vice2 presidential candidate Sarah Palin -- her rimless3 glasses, step-toe pumps and up do hairstyle. "People are paying attention to what she's wearing, and we felt that was a news story," Cruz said. Palin didn't talk to People, but her hairdresser did. She said the candidate would rather not discuss style choices "because she wants people to hear what she has to say." The makers4 of the Kazuo Kawasaki eye glasses favored by Palin told People that demand has been "overwhelming" and "mostly from the middle states."
她的衣服占了整整两间卧室——其中一间专放休闲装,另一间放礼服。一向会“收拾”的女歌星菲姬于本周三获评《人物》杂志“2008年度最佳穿着女性”。 菲姬对《人物》杂志谈及她“衣橱”里的宝贝时说:“我舍不得扔”。本期杂志将在星期五上架,届时将公布广受关注的“2008年度最佳与最差穿着榜”。 除菲姬外,跻身“最佳穿着”榜前十位的女星还包括影星凯特•哈德森,安妮•海瑟薇,格温妮斯•帕特洛,查理兹•塞隆,伊娃•曼德斯和杰西卡•帕克。歌手蕾哈娜和名模海蒂•克拉姆也榜上有名。 此外,民主党总统候选人巴拉克•奥巴马的夫人米歇尔•奥巴马在十佳榜上也占得一席,她凭借其“经典而自信”的造型赢得了高分。 这位44岁的前律师身材高挑,活力十足,是榜上年龄最大的女性。 《人物》杂志时尚版编辑克拉丽莎•克鲁兹说:“她的装扮个性十足,非常自信,她知道自己适合什么。” 《人物》杂志评价说:“如今美国政治正处于一个前所未有的艰难时期,而米歇尔在竞选路上带着自信一路走来,让人惊叹不已,她雅致的造型则让我们想起了一位著名的前第一夫人。”这里提到的“著名前第一夫人”显然是杰奎琳•肯尼迪。 克鲁兹说:“所有上榜名人都有几个共同点,那就是她们这一年都很风光,都坚持了自己的时尚风格,一直在坚持做自己。” 杂志编辑们还对共和党副总统候选人莎拉•佩林的时尚选择作了番评论。佩林戴着一副无框眼镜,爱穿露趾凉拖,而且总是梳着高高的发髻。 克鲁兹说:“人们对她的穿戴很感兴趣,我们觉得这就是一个新闻点。” 佩林本人没有接受《人物》的采访,但据她的发型师介绍,与讨论她的时尚选择相比,佩林更希望人们关注她说些什么。 生产佩林所戴无框眼镜的公司在接受《人物》采访时说,目前这款眼镜需求大增,而且大多数购买者来自美国中部。佩林所戴的那款眼镜是由(日本著名工业设计师)川崎和男设计的。 点击 ![]()
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