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We've already seen the baby pictures — now see the photo of Angelina Jolie apparently1 breastfeeding on the cover of W magazine. Jolie appears on the cover of the W's November issue in a sleeveless top, which has been opened to reveal part of her left breast and a tiny hand ostensibly belonging to one of her twins, Knox Leon and Vivienne Marcheline, who were born in July. The black-and-white photo shows Jolie smiling, her long brown hair cascading2 over her shoulder. The cover headline promises exclusive "private photos" of the 33-year-old actress by her partner Brad Pitt. Jolie last caused a stir when she wore a white nursing bra on the cover of People magazine after she and Pitt welcomed daughter Shiloh, now 2 years old. Another breast-feeding cover that got people talking was in the summer of 2006, when Babytalk magazine published a photo of a baby and part of a woman's breast in profile. The magazine conducted a poll of more than 4,000 readers; a quarter of responses were negative, finding the photo inappropriate. La Leche League International, the world's oldest breast-feeding support organization, applauds Jolie's apparent decision to be photographed nursing. "Breast-feeding in public reveals a whole lot less than what has been revealed on the red carpet. ... I think we do need more role models like Angelina Jolie willing to be photographed and say, `Hey look, it can be done, it oughta be done,'" said La Leche spokeswoman Jane Crouse. Besides Shiloh and the twins, Pitt and Jolie also are parents to three adopted children: Maddox, 7, from Cambodia; Pax, 4, from Vietnam; Zahara, 3, from Ethiopia. Exclusive photos of the Jolie-Pitt can have fetched millions of dollars. Last summer, People magazine and the British tabloid3 Hello! paid $14 million in a joint4 deal to publish the first shots of the family with newborn Knox and Vivienne. Jolie and Pitt allowed such access in exchange for a donation to charity. ![]() 安吉利娜·茱丽双胞胎宝贝的照片已让我们大饱眼福,日前茱丽的哺乳照又登上了《W》杂志的封面。 在《W》杂志11月刊的封面上可以看到,茱丽身着无袖上衣,左胸微露,旁边还有孩子的一只小手。茱丽于今年7月产下一对龙凤胎:诺克斯和维维恩 马歇尔琳。 在这张黑白照中,茱丽面带微笑,一头棕色的长发像瀑布一样泻在肩膀上。根据杂志封面的大标题,这组 “私密照”由布拉德 皮特为33岁的茱丽拍摄,并由《W》杂志独家发布。 两年前,茱丽曾在她与皮特的女儿夏洛伊出生后不久登上《人物》杂志封面,当时她身着白色哺乳胸罩的封面形象引来一阵热议。 2006年夏天,《Babytalk》杂志在其封面上刊登的一张哺乳照也引发了读者的争议,照片中的女性在哺乳时露出了部分侧胸。杂志对4千多名读者开展的一项民调显示,四分之一的人对此持否定看法,认为杂志不该刊登这张照片。 全球历史最长的母乳喂养支持机构“国际母乳会”则对茱丽勇拍哺乳照的行为表示了赞许。 该机构的女发言人简 克劳斯说:“比起在红地毯上的裸露,在公共场合哺乳根本算不得什么。我想我们需要更多像茱丽这样的名人榜样,愿意用自己的实际行动来表示:‘看看,这没有什么不可以的,我们应该这样做。’” 除了夏洛伊和刚出生的双胞胎,皮特和茱丽还领养了三个孩子:7岁的马德克斯、4岁的帕克斯和3岁的扎哈拉,他们分别来自柬埔寨、越南和埃塞俄比亚。 “茱丽-皮特”家族单靠独家照就已经赚得了数百万美元。去年夏天,《人物》杂志和英国《Hello!》杂志以1400万美元联合购得双胞胎诺克斯和维维恩的照片首发权。茱丽和皮特答应成交,并将所得捐赠给了慈善基金会。 点击 ![]()
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