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Tibet is indeed as mysterious as anything you might have imagined about Shangri-La. The elegance1 and beauty of the snow-capped plateau, the uniqueness of its linguistic2 culture, and the canon of Tibetan Buddhism3 are all parts of human culture with special ethnic4 features which we cherish more than any other people.

Many Westerners are concerned about the "Tibet Issue." It is said that the image of a mysterious, vague and ideal Eastern "Shangri-La" always lingers in their minds.

Tibet is indeed as mysterious as anything you might have imagined about Shangri-La. The elegance and beauty of the snow-capped plateau, the uniqueness of its linguistic culture, and the canon of Tibetan Buddhism are all parts of human culture with special ethnic features which we cherish more than any other people.

To protect the Tibetan culture, the Chinese government has spent heavily to renovate5 the Potala Palace, the Norbulingka and the Sakya Monastery6. Unprecedented7 renovation8 of 22 temples and monasteries9 as well as ancient historical relics10 started early this year. The government has conducted a program of Collation11 and Study of Tibetan Sutra and brought over 100 Tibetan linguists12 to compile and collate13 different versions of Tibetan Sutra for publication.

To protect the blue sky and clean water, the Chinese government will invest over 22 billion yuan ($3.19 billion) to build at least 160 projects until the middle of this century.

The mountains, the rivers, the Tibetan Script Banners, and the names of the Buddha14 remain unchanged.

Nevertheless, as Canadian scholar A. Tom Grunfeld writes in The Making of Modern Tibet, "Tibet is a land so wrapped in obscurity that almost any fantastic tales about it, or allegedly from it, are received with awe15 and believed, unquestioningly, by countless16 individuals in the world . Many call themselves 'experts' after reading a mere17 handful of texts, assuming that the uniformity of these accounts indicates their accuracy."

The history clearly reveals that the old Tibet was not the Shangri-La that many imagine, but a society under a system offeudal serfdom. The serf owners, the political leaders and the heads of the temples, accounting19 for less than 5 percent of the total population of old Tibet, possessed20 almost 98 percent of the land and most of the livestock21.

And the Dalai Lama, was the largest and most powerful serf owner. The Sixteen Codes of the old Tibet stated, "the rebels and the subordinate acting22 against the supreme23 were those who committed severe crimes and they were to have their eyes gouged24, to be hamstrung, to have their tongues cut out, to have their arms broken or to be killed immediately." In the old Tibet, both economy and culture was in terrible shape and the population did not even grow.

Today, Tibet certainly needs to protect its unique Tibetan culture and the culture of Shangri-La, but definitely should not retain its brutality25 and backwardness. The protection of Tibetan culture has to go along with the development, progress, unity26 and happiness of the whole Tibetan population. Otherwise, it will become a living fossil, which has neither life nor vitality27. The essential difference between the Dalai Lama and the Chinese government does not lie in the question whether there is a need to protect Tibetan culture, but lies in the question as to which side really cares for the essential interests of the Tibetan people.

The continuation of Tibetan culture is possible only with the development of the economy and the improvement of living standards of the Tibetan people.

It would be impossible for Tibetan culture to carry on if the living standards of Tibetan people declined even in the name of "preserving the particularities of ethnicity" or "protecting religious culture".

#p#分页标题#e#It would be impossible for the Tibetan culture to carry on if the Tibetans returned to the so-called "holy Buddhist28 land" where "all people become monks29", or if Tibet returned to the age of dark theocratic30 rule and the brutality of the feudal18 serf system.

Today's Tibet has transformed itself, coming out from under a dark and cruel theocratic feudal serf system, and becoming a self-sufficient, progressive, just, equal and open society.

In the old Tibet, life expectancy31 was 35.5 years, but now it has reached 67 years. This is the real "Shangri-La."

During the 40 years from 1965 to 2005, the Chinese central government supported the local Tibetan government with about 97 billion yuan. Since 1993, the central government has offered transfer payments for Tibet which covers over 90 percent of the local governments' revenues. This has greatly supported the social and economic growth in Tibet.

The annual growth rate of the economy in Tibet has exceeded 12 percent in seven consecutive32 years, which is much higher than the average growth rate of the whole nation.

The rapid growth of the economy in Tibet benefits the protection of Tibetan Buddhism even more. There are now over 1,700 Tibetan Buddhist temples and nearly 50,000 monks. Sutra Banners and Mani Stone Mounds33 (Tibetan Buddhist Altars) are everywhere. Over a million Tibetans go on pilgrimages to the temples in Lhasa.

The Tibetan scholars in China claim that the concepts of modernization34 have penetrated35 into the hearts of most of the Tibetan Buddhists36, and many of them support developing some aspects of Tibetan Buddhism to make them relevant to modern society.

Today's Tibet values and protects its own unique culture more than ever. This is the unchanging "Shangri-La".

Today's Tibet tries its best to get rid of blindness and backwardness and runs towards its own happy and bright future. This is the changing "Shangri-La".

The so-called "Tibet Issue" is always the meeting point of two issues.

The first issue is that of sovereignty, which is to safeguard the unity of the nation and to oppose separatism, and the second issue is tat of social reform, which leads to progress and a bright future and to oppose restoration of the old feudal system.

Regarding the issue of sovereignty, the answer is clear. Any request or proposal regarding separation from China, even in disguised forms, should be abandoned and opposed. There is no way for Tibet to be independent, semi-independent or have any disguised form of independence.

No country in the world supports the "independence of Tibet". For instance, during this year, the Dalai Lama made a speech at the British Parliament, deliberately37 talking about "the great and profound historical relationship between Tibet and England", and saying that "the United Kingdom has to carry out the mission of making history in terms of the Tibet issue". However, the British government soon after declared that it does not support the independence of Tibet. The Dalai Lama and his followers38 had to reluctantly announce to the public that they "do not ask for independence."

Regarding the second issue of social reform, the answer seems complicated and confusing. On the surface, the Dalai Lama has claimed a "middle way" which is "not to look for independence but for autonomy"; in reality, he has pushed religion to its extreme, equated39 religion with ethnicity, and combined religion and politics. Doing so is no more than a way to indirectly40 seek the "independence of Tibet" at the cost of sacrificing the basic rights of the Tibetans and impeding41 the development of Tibet, and to cause Tibet to return to the theocratic serf system. Such a scheme wears a sacred halo, makes a pretext42 of "seeking the benefits of the Tibetans", makes up a legend about "Shangri-La", and is also disguised with many lovely concepts, such as democracy, human rights and religious liberty. Nevertheless, it is not difficult for the Westerners who understand the history of the darkness and despotism of theocracy43 in Western Europe during the medieval period to understand that this is far from what has been imaged as the "Shangri-La".

Recently, their scheme was disguised under a legal packaging, by distorting the autonomous44 laws of the ethnic regions of China and releasing the "Memo45 for the Authentic46 Autonomy for All Tibetans" to drum for the so-called "real autonomy" of the "Tibetan Tibet".#p#分页标题#e#

The ethnic majority scatters47 and the minorities gather, which is the basic situation for the 56 nationalities in China. All of the ethnic groups in China belong to a diverse and well-connected community, and form a "golden principle" of "three non-separations". The Han cannot be separated from the ethnic minorities and vice48 versa as well as the ethnic groups cannot be separated from one another. This principle has led to a reality that ethnic autonomy is closely related with regional autonomy.

What are the true intentions of "real ethnic autonomy" with unrestrained "autonomy of a single ethnic group" so as to segregate49 other ethnicities from that area?

What are the real motives50 of trying to combine into "a pure and larger Tibetan area" an "ethic51 group, religion and culture" at the cost of violating the "three non-separation" principle?

What they really want is not Tibet's "autonomy", but the "suicide" of the Tibetans caused by ethnic segregation52, ethnic antagonism53, and separation. Has not the "Tibetan Youth Congress" clamored for "fighting for independence" through "suicides"?

There is no way to separate Tibet from China, and no way for Tibet to return to the feudal serf system. Neither the tide of history, the Tibetan people nor the "holy land" of "Shangri-La"will allow it to happen.

Only if Tibetans have a happy and prosperous life like other ethnic groups, can Tibet become what was described by the American author James Hilton in his novel, Lost Horizon, as "an everlasting54 peaceful land".

I believe the dream of "Shangri-La" will continue to shine only through the process of modernization and common prosperity of Tibetans and other ethnic groups in China.


Tibetan Sutra: 藏经

Tibetan Script Banners: 藏教经幡

feudal serfdom: 封建农奴制


1 elegance QjPzj     
  • The furnishings in the room imparted an air of elegance.这个房间的家具带给这房间一种优雅的气氛。
  • John has been known for his sartorial elegance.约翰因为衣着讲究而出名。
2 linguistic k0zxn     
  • She is pursuing her linguistic researches.她在从事语言学的研究。
  • The ability to write is a supreme test of linguistic competence.写作能力是对语言能力的最高形式的测试。
3 Buddhism 8SZy6     
  • Buddhism was introduced into China about 67 AD.佛教是在公元67年左右传入中国的。
  • Many people willingly converted to Buddhism.很多人情愿皈依佛教。
4 ethnic jiAz3     
  • This music would sound more ethnic if you played it in steel drums.如果你用钢鼓演奏,这首乐曲将更具民族特色。
  • The plan is likely only to aggravate ethnic frictions.这一方案很有可能只会加剧种族冲突。
5 renovate 0VOxE     
  • The couple spent thousands renovating the house.这对夫妇花了几千元来翻新房子。
  • They are going to renovate the old furniture.他们准备将旧家具整修一番。
6 monastery 2EOxe     
  • They found an icon in the monastery.他们在修道院中发现了一个圣像。
  • She was appointed the superior of the monastery two years ago.两年前她被任命为这个修道院的院长。
7 unprecedented 7gSyJ     
  • The air crash caused an unprecedented number of deaths.这次空难的死亡人数是空前的。
  • A flood of this sort is really unprecedented.这样大的洪水真是十年九不遇。
8 renovation xVAxF     
  • The cinema will reopen next week after the renovation.电影院修缮后,将于下星期开业。
  • The building has undergone major renovation.这座大楼已进行大整修。
9 monasteries f7910d943cc815a4a0081668ac2119b2     
修道院( monastery的名词复数 )
  • In ancient China, there were lots of monasteries. 在古时候,中国有许多寺院。
  • The Negev became a religious center with many monasteries and churches. 内格夫成为许多庙宇和教堂的宗教中心。
10 relics UkMzSr     
  • The area is a treasure house of archaeological relics. 这个地区是古文物遗迹的宝库。
  • Xi'an is an ancient city full of treasures and saintly relics. 西安是一个有很多宝藏和神圣的遗物的古老城市。
11 collation qW9yG     
  • It was in this retreat that Mr. Quilp ordered a cold collation to be prepared.奎尔普先生就是在这个别墅里预定冷点的。
  • I was quite taken with your line of photocopiers with collation and stapling capability.我被贵公司能够自动整理和装订的系列复印机吸引住了。
12 linguists fe6c8058ec322688d888d3401770a03c     
n.通晓数国语言的人( linguist的名词复数 );语言学家
  • The linguists went to study tribal languages in the field. 语言学家们去实地研究部落语言了。 来自辞典例句
  • The linguists' main interest has been to analyze and describe languages. 语言学家的主要兴趣一直在于分析并描述语言。 来自辞典例句
13 collate 2qqzG     
  • They have begun to collate their own statistics on racial abuse. 他们已经开始整理自己有关种族歧视的统计数据。
  • You may collate the latter with the earlier edition. 你可将新版与旧版相对照。
14 Buddha 9x1z0O     
  • Several women knelt down before the statue of Buddha and prayed.几个妇女跪在佛像前祈祷。
  • He has kept the figure of Buddha for luck.为了图吉利他一直保存着这尊佛像。
15 awe WNqzC     
  • The sight filled us with awe.这景色使我们大为惊叹。
  • The approaching tornado struck awe in our hearts.正在逼近的龙卷风使我们惊恐万分。
16 countless 7vqz9L     
  • In the war countless innocent people lost their lives.在这场战争中无数无辜的人丧失了性命。
  • I've told you countless times.我已经告诉你无数遍了。
17 mere rC1xE     
  • That is a mere repetition of what you said before.那不过是重复了你以前讲的话。
  • It's a mere waste of time waiting any longer.再等下去纯粹是浪费时间。
18 feudal cg1zq     
  • Feudal rulers ruled over the country several thousand years.封建统治者统治这个国家几千年。
  • The feudal system lasted for two thousand years in China.封建制度在中国延续了两千年之久。
19 accounting nzSzsY     
  • A job fell vacant in the accounting department.财会部出现了一个空缺。
  • There's an accounting error in this entry.这笔账目里有差错。
20 possessed xuyyQ     
  • He flew out of the room like a man possessed.他像着了魔似地猛然冲出房门。
  • He behaved like someone possessed.他行为举止像是魔怔了。
21 livestock c0Wx1     
  • Both men and livestock are flourishing.人畜两旺。
  • The heavy rains and flooding killed scores of livestock.暴雨和大水淹死了许多牲口。
22 acting czRzoc     
  • Ignore her,she's just acting.别理她,她只是假装的。
  • During the seventies,her acting career was in eclipse.在七十年代,她的表演生涯黯然失色。
23 supreme PHqzc     
  • It was the supreme moment in his life.那是他一生中最重要的时刻。
  • He handed up the indictment to the supreme court.他把起诉书送交最高法院。
24 gouged 5ddc47cf3abd51f5cea38e0badc5ea97     
v.凿( gouge的过去式和过去分词 );乱要价;(在…中)抠出…;挖出…
  • The lion's claws had gouged a wound in the horse's side. 狮爪在马身一侧抓了一道深口。
  • The lovers gouged out their names on the tree. 情人们把他们的名字刻在树上。 来自《现代英汉综合大词典》
25 brutality MSbyb     
  • The brutality of the crime has appalled the public. 罪行之残暴使公众大为震惊。
  • a general who was infamous for his brutality 因残忍而恶名昭彰的将军
26 unity 4kQwT     
  • When we speak of unity,we do not mean unprincipled peace.所谓团结,并非一团和气。
  • We must strengthen our unity in the face of powerful enemies.大敌当前,我们必须加强团结。
27 vitality lhAw8     
  • He came back from his holiday bursting with vitality and good health.他度假归来之后,身强体壮,充满活力。
  • He is an ambitious young man full of enthusiasm and vitality.他是个充满热情与活力的有远大抱负的青年。
28 Buddhist USLy6     
  • The old lady fell down in adoration before Buddhist images.那老太太在佛像面前顶礼膜拜。
  • In the eye of the Buddhist,every worldly affair is vain.在佛教徒的眼里,人世上一切事情都是空的。
29 monks 218362e2c5f963a82756748713baf661     
n.修道士,僧侣( monk的名词复数 )
  • The monks lived a very ascetic life. 僧侣过着很清苦的生活。
  • He had been trained rigorously by the monks. 他接受过修道士的严格训练。 来自《简明英汉词典》
30 theocratic d2a97031b61665441ee994e2c7847117     
  • The priest caste wields considerable power in this rigidly theocratic society. 祭司阶层(priestcaste)在这个严格的神权社会中掌握着相当大的权力。 来自互联网
  • The heartland of Islam, by contrast, is theocratic. 相反,伊斯兰教的核心地带则是神权政治。 来自互联网
31 expectancy tlMys     
  • Japanese people have a very high life expectancy.日本人的平均寿命非常长。
  • The atomosphere of tense expectancy sobered everyone.这种期望的紧张气氛使每个人变得严肃起来。
32 consecutive DpPz0     
  • It has rained for four consecutive days.已连续下了四天雨。
  • The policy of our Party is consecutive.我党的政策始终如一。
33 mounds dd943890a7780b264a2a6c1fa8d084a3     
土堆,土丘( mound的名词复数 ); 一大堆
  • We had mounds of tasteless rice. 我们有成堆成堆的淡而无味的米饭。
  • Ah! and there's the cemetery' - cemetery, he must have meant. 'You see the mounds? 啊,这就是同墓,”——我想他要说的一定是公墓,“看到那些土墩了吗?
34 modernization nEyxp     
  • This will help us achieve modernization.这有助于我们实现现代化。
  • The Chinese people are sure to realize the modernization of their country.中国人民必将实现国家现代化。
35 penetrated 61c8e5905df30b8828694a7dc4c3a3e0     
adj. 击穿的,鞭辟入里的 动词penetrate的过去式和过去分词形式
  • The knife had penetrated his chest. 刀子刺入了他的胸膛。
  • They penetrated into territory where no man had ever gone before. 他们已进入先前没人去过的地区。
36 Buddhists 5f3c74ef01ae0fe3724e91f586462b77     
n.佛教徒( Buddhist的名词复数 )
  • The Jesuits in a phase of ascendancy, persecuted and insulted the Buddhists with great acrimony. 处于地位上升阶段的耶稣会修士迫害佛教徒,用尖刻的语言辱骂他们。 来自英汉非文学 - 历史
  • The return of Saivite rule to central Java had brought no antagonism between Buddhists and Hindus. 湿婆教在中爪哇恢复统治后,并没有导致佛教徒与印度教徒之间的对立。 来自辞典例句
37 deliberately Gulzvq     
  • The girl gave the show away deliberately.女孩故意泄露秘密。
  • They deliberately shifted off the argument.他们故意回避这个论点。
38 followers 5c342ee9ce1bf07932a1f66af2be7652     
追随者( follower的名词复数 ); 用户; 契据的附面; 从动件
  • the followers of Mahatma Gandhi 圣雄甘地的拥护者
  • The reformer soon gathered a band of followers round him. 改革者很快就获得一群追随者支持他。
39 equated 4e5ed63ebe0d19855344c43d4526ea4f     
adj.换算的v.认为某事物(与另一事物)相等或相仿( equate的过去式和过去分词 );相当于;等于;把(一事物) 和(另一事物)等同看待
  • Production costs for the movie equated to around 30% of income. 这部电影的制作成本相当于收益的30%。
  • Politics cannot be equated with art. 政治不能同艺术等同起来。
40 indirectly a8UxR     
  • I heard the news indirectly.这消息我是间接听来的。
  • They were approached indirectly through an intermediary.通过一位中间人,他们进行了间接接触。
41 impeding 8qtzd2     
  • Fallen rock is impeding the progress of rescue workers. 坠落的石头阻滞了救援人员的救援进程。
  • Is there sufficient room for the kiosk and kiosk traffic without impeding other user traffic? 该环境下是否有足够的空间来摆放信息亭?信息亭是否会妨碍交通或者行走? 来自About Face 3交互设计精髓
42 pretext 1Qsxi     
  • He used his headache as a pretext for not going to school.他借口头疼而不去上学。
  • He didn't attend that meeting under the pretext of sickness.他以生病为借口,没参加那个会议。
43 theocracy XprwY     
  • Shangzhou was an important period for the formation and development of theocracy.商周时期是神权政治形成与发展的重要阶段。
  • The Muslim brothers look as if they will opt for civil society rather than theocracy.穆斯林兄弟看起来好像更适合文明的社会,而非神权统治。
44 autonomous DPyyv     
  • They proudly declared themselves part of a new autonomous province.他们自豪地宣布成为新自治省的一部分。
  • This is a matter that comes within the jurisdiction of the autonomous region.这件事是属于自治区权限以内的事务。
45 memo 4oXzGj     
  • Do you want me to send the memo out?您要我把这份备忘录分发出去吗?
  • Can you type a memo for me?您能帮我打一份备忘录吗?
46 authentic ZuZzs     
  • This is an authentic news report. We can depend on it. 这是篇可靠的新闻报道, 我们相信它。
  • Autumn is also the authentic season of renewal. 秋天才是真正的除旧布新的季节。
47 scatters 803ecee4ca49a54ca72e41929dab799f     
v.(使)散开, (使)分散,驱散( scatter的第三人称单数 );撒
  • He scatters money about as if he were rich. 他四处挥霍,好像很有钱。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Truth raises against itself the storm that scatters its seeds broadcast. 真理引起了反对它自己的狂风骤雨,那场风雨吹散了真理的广播的种子。 来自辞典例句
48 vice NU0zQ     
  • He guarded himself against vice.他避免染上坏习惯。
  • They are sunk in the depth of vice.他们堕入了罪恶的深渊。
49 segregate eExys     
  • We have to segregate for a few day.我们得分离一段日子。
  • Some societies still segregate men and women.有的社会仍然将男女隔离。
50 motives 6c25d038886898b20441190abe240957     
n.动机,目的( motive的名词复数 )
  • to impeach sb's motives 怀疑某人的动机
  • His motives are unclear. 他的用意不明。
51 ethic ziGz4     
  • They instilled the work ethic into their children.他们在孩子们的心中注入了职业道德的理念。
  • The connotation of education ethic is rooted in human nature's mobility.教育伦理的内涵根源于人本性的变动性。
52 segregation SESys     
  • Many school boards found segregation a hot potato in the early 1960s.在60年代初,许多学校部门都觉得按水平分班是一个棘手的问题。
  • They were tired to death of segregation and of being kicked around.他们十分厌恶种族隔离和总是被人踢来踢去。
53 antagonism bwHzL     
  • People did not feel a strong antagonism for established policy.人们没有对既定方针产生强烈反应。
  • There is still much antagonism between trades unions and the oil companies.工会和石油公司之间仍然存在着相当大的敌意。
54 everlasting Insx7     
  • These tyres are advertised as being everlasting.广告上说轮胎持久耐用。
  • He believes in everlasting life after death.他相信死后有不朽的生命。