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From left to right :Hiilary Clinton, Condoleeza Rice, Nicole Kidman, Tyra Banks, Natalie Portman and Yemeni former child bride Nujood Ali and civil rights lawyer Shada Nasser (R). Talk on the red carpet at Glamour1 magazine's annual Women of the Year awards Monday night at Carnegie Hall turned to the country's man of the year, Barack Obama. "Change is among us," said singer Fergie, who was scheduled to perform during the ceremony. "People are definitely in a better mood this week." After the election, "I wrote everybody I knew and I just said, 'I'm just grateful that we're alive to see this happen,' " said Ralph Lauren-clad Debra Messing, a former Glamour honoree back to present Jane Goodall with a lifetime achievement award. Coming so close on the heels of the election, the ceremony's typically motley mix of politicians and entertainers felt particularly pronounced. Fergie, wearing white and silver Michael Kors, gushed2 that she wanted to meet honoree Hillary Clinton: "I'm putting that out there." Honoree Tyra Banks, sporting sleek3 black Gucci, said she was nervous about the company she was keeping. "I heard they don't have a teleprompter, so I'm like, 'OK, I'm going to just have to go off the cuff4 in front of Hillary Clinton and (fellow honoree) Condoleezza Rice.' " Banks shouldn't have feared. Rice revealed that though she hasn't exactly had the time to take in America's Next Top Model over the past eight years, she was excited to meet the model turned media mogul. Nicole Kidman, in town to promote her new film, Australia, paraded a L'Wren Scott cream sheath down the red carpet. Of her Women of the Year award, she said: "It's such a privilege. I feel a little overwhelmed5." Rice, resplendent in a chocolate and gold Oscar de la Renta gown, had kind words about her fellow A-list political honoree, Clinton: "I'm very fond of her, and I think she's a great lady." Rice, who's looking forward to her own kind of change come Jan. 20 - heading back to Stanford, writing a book or two - said of another A-list political woman, Michelle Obama: "She looks wonderful in everything she wears." Her fashion advice to the future first lady? "It's OK to wear red once in a while." 美国《魅力》杂志“2008年度女性”颁奖典礼于本周一晚在纽约卡内基音乐厅举行,而当晚红毯秀上的热议人物却是美国的“年度先生”巴拉克•奥巴马。著名歌手菲姬在演出开始前说:“我们终于迎来了变革。这周人们的心情好多了。” 身穿“拉夫•劳伦”的黛博拉•梅辛说:“选举结束后,我给所有我认识的人写信说,我们能在有生之年看到这一切,真是太令人激动了。”梅辛曾是“魅力女性”大奖得主,此次她是为珍妮•古道尔颁发终生成就奖。 今年的年度魅力女性不仅有娱乐界大腕,还有政界名流。由于大选刚刚结束,参加颁奖典礼的获奖者们都分外活跃。身穿迈克•柯尔斯银白色裙装的菲姬直言她很想见到希拉里•克林顿,“都没心思演出了”。 身穿一袭黑色Gucci长裙的提拉•班克斯说她很紧张自己要与政界名流一同领奖。她说:“我听说没有讲词提示器,那忘词的时候就只能说:‘好,那我就在希拉里•克林顿和康多莉扎•赖斯面前来一番即兴感言吧。” 班克斯不应该紧张,因为赖斯曾透露,虽然自己在过去八年里一直没有时间观看美国超级模特新秀大赛,但她很激动自己能见到这位模特出身的娱乐明星。 正在纽约宣传新片《澳洲》的妮可•基德曼身穿劳伦•斯科特的乳白色紧身长裙亮相红毯。她在发表获奖感言时说:“这真是巨大的荣耀,我感到有些受宠若惊。” 赖斯当晚身穿一件奥斯卡•德拉伦塔巧克力色金边礼服,她在发表感言时盛赞另一位入选的政界女强人希拉里。她说:“我非常欣赏她,她是位了不起的女性。” 在谈及另外一位政界红人米歇尔•奥巴马时,她说:“她穿什么都很漂亮。”在被问及对未来第一夫人的时尚选择有何建议时,赖斯说:“偶尔试一下红色也不错。”赖斯也在准备迎接自己的“变革”。明年1月20日离任后,她将重返斯坦福大学,写一两本书。 点击 ![]()
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