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A primary school teacher left a class of 25 pupils in tears when she told them Santa Claus does not exist. The supply teacher blurted1 out: "it's your parents who leave out presents on Chrsitmas Day" when excited youngsters got rowdy as they talked about Christmas. The class of seven-year-olds at Blackshaw Lane Primary School, Royton, near Oldham, Greater Manchester burst into tears and told their parents when they got home. The parents then complained about the incident and were sent a letter by the school saying the teacher has been disciplined over the gaffe2. One father said: "My son came home and said that his substitute teacher had told the class that Santa doesn't exist and it's your mum and dad that put out presents for them. "Apparently3, they were all talking about Christmas and being a bit rowdy. She just came straight out with it. "My lad was nearly in tears and so was everyone else in the class - especially as it was so close to Christmas. I thought it was wrong. "He was distraught about it. He's only seven-years-old and it's part of the magic of Christmas to him. "We told him that she did not believe in Father Christmas because of her religion and he's fine now. "A lot of parents were disgusted and complained to the school. If she was a regular teacher then I think a lot more would have been done." Angela McCormick, the headteacher, refused to comment on the incident. Oldham Council's service director for children, young people and families, Janet Doherty, said: "This is a matter for the individual school to resolve. "We have every confidence that the head will deal with it sensitively and appropriately." 日前,英国一名小学老师告诉班上的25名学生圣诞老人其实根本不存在,让学生们闻后伤心哭泣。 当时,兴奋的孩子们正在讨论即将到来的圣诞节,有点闹哄哄的,这位女代课老师脱口而出:“你们的圣诞礼物其实是父母送的。” 这个班上的孩子只有七岁,听到老师这样说后,他们都哭了起来,并在回家后把这件事告诉了父母。这所“布莱克肖街”小学位于英国大曼彻斯特郡奥德海姆市附近的罗顿区。 随后家长们向校方投诉了这件事,校方得知后给每位家长发了致歉信,称这位老师出言不慎,已受到处分。 一位父亲说:“我儿子回家后告诉我,他的代课老师告诉全班同学圣诞老人根本不存在,送圣诞礼物的人其实是爸爸妈妈。” “显然,当时孩子们正兴致勃勃地谈论着圣诞节,可能有点吵,而老师就这么直截了当地说出这样的话。” “我儿子差点哭了,其他的孩子们也是——特别是现在马上要到圣诞节了。这样做实在不应该。” “孩子非常郁闷,他才七岁,对于他来说,圣诞老人是圣诞节吸引他的节目之一。” “我们告诉他,老师的信仰和我们不一样,所以她不信有圣诞老人,听了这个之后,现在他好多了。” “很多家长不满老师的做法,并向学校投诉。如果她是正式老师,家长的意见会更大。” “布莱克肖街”小学的安吉拉•麦科密克校长拒绝对此事发表评论。 奥德汉姆地方议会的“儿童、青少年和家庭事务”主管珍妮特•多哈提说:“这应该由学校自己处理。” 她说:“我们相信校长可以把这件事处理好”。 点击 ![]()
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