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An Australian state has launched a global search for candidates for "the best job in the world" -- earning a top salary for lazing around a beautiful tropical island for six months. The job pays 150,000 Australian dollars (105,000 US dollars) and includes free airfares from the successful applicant's home country to Hamilton Island on the Great Barrier Reef. More than 10,000 people have jumped at the chance to become the caretaker of a tropical Australian island - including a prankster identifying himself as terror mastermind Osama bin1 Laden2. A 30-second video available on YouTube shows an actual video of the bearded Al-Qaida leader with garble3 dubbed4 over his real voice and subtitles5 stating why he is right for the job. "I enjoy the outdoors and sandy areas," the subtitles read. "I've got experience with videos, delegating tasks and experience with large scale event coordination6." Tourism Queensland, which is coordinating7 the contest, confirmed that a person using bin Laden's name had lodged8 an official application but it was rejected as inappropriate, the Sydney Morning Herald9 reported on Wednesday. Bin Laden is believed to be in hiding somewhere along the mountainous border between Afghanistan and Pakistan and occasionally releases video and audio messages. Queensland launched the 'Best Job in the World' campaign on Jan 12, calling for video applications from people interested in a $100,000 contract to relax on Hamilton Island in the Great Barrier Reef for six months while writing a blog to promote the island. The job is part of a $1.1 million campaign to publicize the charms of northeastern Queensland state. The employee will live free on the island, exploring the reef and posting videos and photos on a weekly blog. Some of the most popular videos that have been vetted10 and approved by Queensland Tourism staff can be viewed. 自澳大利亚发布某热带小岛管理员的招聘广告以来,应征者已有1万多人,其中包括一名自称恐怖主义头目奥萨马•本-拉登的搞怪人士。 “本拉登”的应聘视频现可在YouTube网站上浏览,整个视频长达30秒钟,画面中的人物确实是留着大胡子的基地组织头目本-拉登,但他说话的声音已经过处理,画面中还配有字幕说明他为什么适合这一职位。 字幕称:“我热爱户外和沙滩,有视频制作、任务分配和协调大型活动的经验。” 据《悉尼先驱晨报》本周三报道,负责此次招聘的昆士兰州旅游局证实,确有一位盗用本-拉登名号的应聘者提交过正式申请,但因做法不当未获通过。 据称本•拉登目前藏身于阿富汗和巴基斯坦边境的山区地带,他时不时地会发布些视频或音频讯息。 昆士兰州于上月12日发起了这一号称“世界上最好工作”的招聘活动,并要求应聘者提交视频申请。该职位的薪水高达10万美元,主要职责就是在大堡礁的汉密尔顿岛放松6个月,同时撰写博客宣传该岛。 汉密尔顿岛管理员招聘是耗资110万美元的昆士兰州东北部岛屿魅力宣传活动的一部分。管理员上岗后,将在岛上自由生活,探寻岛礁奥秘,并每周更新博客,上传视频和图片。 昆士兰州旅游局已审查通过的一些最受欢迎的视频已经可以在网上浏览了。 Vocabulary: subtitle:(电影)字幕 点击 ![]()
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