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U.S. first lady Michelle Obama introduces musician Stevie Wonder at a ceremony in honor of his being awarded the Library of Congress Gershwin Prize at the White House in Washington February 25, 2009 Few things are as sweet to a parent as family meals and bedtime with the kids, and those are two reasons Michelle Obama says her new life at the White House is comforting. In an interview for the March 9 issue of People magazine, the First Lady reveals some details of her family life in the month since President Barack Obama was inaugurated1, and they moved their daughters, Malia, 10, and Sasha, 7 into 1600 Pennsylvania Ave. in Washington, D.C. After more than a year living out of suitcases and in hotel rooms on the campaign trail, Michelle Obama says the family now has dinner together every night, where they talk about the highs and lows of their day. Later the president is able to tuck2 his children into bed before they drift off to sleep. "We haven't had that kind of time together for (years), so that explains a lot why we all feel so good in this space," the First Lady told People magazine. Among their daily routine is exercise for her and her husband at 5:30 in the morning and breakfast together before their respective days begin. She said the secrets to their successful marriage include being able to laugh together and his ability to stay calm under stress. But she stopped well short of saying they are a model of married perfection3. "I don't want anybody to think it's easy. It works because we really work at it ... We have a strong marriage, but it's not perfect." She did say her husband has quit smoking, for now, and that Malia and Sasha must still do their chores -- make their beds, clean their rooms and clear the dishes from the dinner table. "People (here) want to make your life easy, and when you have small kids -- I've explained this to the staff -- they don't need their lives to be easy. They're kids," she said. And what about the president's promise to get a dog for the girls? The First Lady said it is on the way, but is waiting until April, after the girls have had their spring break from school. But she has a problem -- the name. The girls have come up with several ideas, including Frank and Moose, but mom Obama is not going for those. "I'm like, no. Come on. Let's work with the names a little bit," she said. 对于父母来说,没有什么比全家聚餐和陪孩子睡觉更幸福了,而这也正是米歇尔•奥巴马如此享受白宫新生活的两大原因。 在接受将于3月9日出版的《人物》杂志的采访时,这位第一夫人透露了奥巴马就任总统一个月以来家庭生活的一些细节。奥巴马就任后,他和米歇尔携两个女儿(10岁的玛丽亚和7岁的萨沙)搬至位于华盛顿特区宾夕法尼亚大道1600号的白宫。 在经历了一年多提着箱子东奔西走、住旅馆的竞选生活后,米歇尔说现在全家每天都可以一起吃晚餐,说说一天的大事小情。晚饭过后,身为总统的奥巴马还能哄孩子们上床睡觉。 米歇尔在接受采访时说:“我们已经很多年没有这样的时光了,这就是现在我们觉得很快乐的原因。” 奥巴马和米歇尔每天清晨5点半起床锻炼,然后共进早餐,之后便开始各忙各的。米歇尔说,他们婚姻成功的秘诀在于,两人可以一起开怀大笑,而且奥巴马能在压力之下保持冷静。 但米歇尔并不认为他们是完美婚姻的典范。“我不想让人们觉得这是件容易的事。我们的婚姻之所以有今天这个样子是因为我们真的是在努力地经营它……我们的婚姻很牢固,但并不完美。” 据米歇尔介绍,奥巴马现在已经戒烟,玛丽亚和萨沙仍然要做些她们力所能及的事情---比如铺床、打扫房间收拾餐具。 她说:“这里的人都想让我们轻松些,但我已经向大家解释过了,当有孩子的时候,别让他们过得太安逸,他们还是孩子。” 那么总统许诺给女儿们养只宠物狗的事情进展如何?米歇尔称这件事正在进行之中,但要等到4月份孩子们放春假之后。但现在有个问题——那就是给小狗取什么名字。 女儿们想了好几个名字,如弗兰克和穆斯等,但米歇尔不打算采用。她说:“我不是很赞成,何不再多想想呢!” Vocabulary: stop short of:to decide not to do something(决定不做某事) 点击 ![]()
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