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News that a Portuguese1 Water Dog will become the First Canine2 of the United States is thrilling lovers of the breed in its native land, who say Barack Obama's family couldn't have picked better. "It's been more than 500 years that these dogs have played a part in great moments of humanity," raved3 Hugo Oliveira of the Association for the Protection of Water Dogs, which champions the poodle-like breed in Portugal. "It could be one of ours. Why not?" Carla Peralta, a Water Dog breeder in the southern Algarve region, told the popular 24 Horas daily. Peralta's bitch is expecting puppies at Easter time -- around the period that the Obamas hope to get their dog. Speaking to People magazine this week, First Lady Michelle Obama confirmed that the family is looking to adopt an unwanted Portuguese Water Dog, whose hypoallergenic coat would suit allergy-prone older daughter Malia. "Temperamentally they're supposed to be pretty good," she said. "From the size perspective, they're sort of middle of the road... And the folks that we know who own them have raved about them." With a history going back to pre-Christian times, the Portuguese Water Dog travelled with world with 15th century Portuguese explorers, swimming between ships with its webbed feet. Fishermen meanwhile used them to recover lost nets and guard boats. The breed slipped out of favour during the 20th century until enthusiasts5 in Portugal and the United States launched a revival6 -- inspired by the dogs' gentle temperament4, particularly with children. Vocabulary: rave:to speak with wild enthusiasm(热情洋溢地谈论;吹捧) middle of the road:中庸;中道 webbed:有蹼的 葡萄牙水犬保护协会的雨果·奥利夫自豪地说:“五百多年来,葡萄牙水犬在人类社会的重大时刻都扮演了重要角色。”葡萄牙水犬外表酷似狮子狗。 位于葡萄牙南部阿尔加维地区的水犬饲养人卡拉•佩拉尔塔在接受《24小时》日报的采访时说:“没准我们的狗能被选中呢,何乐而不为?” 佩拉尔塔家的水犬在去年复活节期间怀上了狗崽,恰好这段时间奥巴马全家表示希望找到一种合适的宠物犬。 第一夫人米歇尔•奥巴马上周接受《人物》杂志采访时说,他们希望收养一只被遗弃的葡萄牙水犬,因为这种犬的皮毛属于低敏感性,比较适合容易过敏的大女儿玛丽亚。 米歇尔说:“葡萄牙水犬性情温顺,从体型大小看也很适中,我们认识的养这种狗的朋友都对它们称赞不已。” 葡萄牙水犬的历史可以追溯到公元前,还曾在15世纪跟随葡萄牙的探险家们周游世界,它们双脚带蹼,常在船只间游来游去。 此外,当地渔民还利用水犬寻回遗失的渔具和保卫船只。 葡萄牙水犬在二十世纪一度失宠,直到葡萄牙和美国的爱犬人士对它们再度推崇——这主要是因为水犬性情温顺,对小孩尤其如此。 Vocabulary: rave:to speak with wild enthusiasm(热情洋溢地谈论;吹捧) middle of the road:中庸;中道 webbed:有蹼的 点击 ![]()
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