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Severe droughts lasting1 centuries have happened often in West Africa's recent history, and another one is almost inevitable2, researchers say. 研究人员称,西非历史上经常发生持续几个世纪的严重干旱,并且另一个干旱时期也不可避免地要来了。 A partially-submerged tree shows Lake Bosumtwi was shallower in the past Analysis of sediments3(沉淀物) in a Ghanaian lake shows the last of these "megadroughts" ended 250 years ago. Writing in the journal Science, the researchers suggest man-made climate change may make the situation worse. But, they say, the droughts are going to happen again anyway, and societies should begin planning for them. "It's disconcerting(打乱) - it suggests we're vulnerable(易受伤害的,有弱点的) to a longer-lasting drought than we've seen in our lifetime," said Tim Shanahan from the University of Texas in Austin, who led the research team. "If the region were to shift into one of these droughts it would be very difficult for people to adapt; and we need to develop an adaptation policy." The region's most recent dry episode was the Sahel drought which claimed at least 100,000 lives, perhaps as many as one million, in the 1970s and 80s. But the historical "megadroughts" were longer-lasting and even more devoid5 of(没有) precipitation(堕落,沉淀), the researchers found. Deep impact The evidence comes from Lake Bosumtwi in southern Ghana, a deep lake formed in a meteorite6(陨星) impact crater(弹道,火山口). Sediments(沉淀物) laid down each year form neat(整洁的,巧妙的), precise(精确的,准确的) layers. "Nothing lives at the bottom of the lake, so nothing disturbs these layers," said Professor Shanahan. "Most lakes have this seasonal7 deposition8, but it's rare in the tropics(热带) to find a lake where the bottom is undisturbed." Wet and dry years are distinguished9 by the ratio of two oxygen isotopes10(同位素) in the sediment4. A partially-submerged tree shows Lake Bosumtwi was shallower in the past Droughts lasting a few decades occur regularly over the 3,000 years contained in this record. They appear to be linked to the Atlantic Multidecadal Oscillation (AMO), a natural climatic cycle in which sea surface temperatures in the tropical Atlantic Ocean vary over time. The Sahel drought coincided with a cool phase(时期,局面) of the AMO. This changes wind patterns, and decreases the strength of the monsoon11(季风) rains in this region. However, the cause of the longer, multi-century droughts is not clear. "That's one of the scary(易受惊吓的) aspects - we have no idea what causes them," said Jonathan Overpeck from the University of Arizona, who oversaw12 the research effort. "In Africa, we could cross the threshold(跨进门内), driving the system into one of these droughts, without even knowing why." The southwestern US has seen prolonged dry weather Money flows Michael Schlesinger, who first characterised the AMO a decade ago but was not involved in the current study, suggested a similarity between the outlook for West Africa and the southwestern portion of the US. There, research has also shown a history of shorter and longer droughts. "There are two things that need to be done, one of which California and Arizona and so on have done - and that is put in the water collection and distribution infrastructure13(下部构造,下部组织) to deal with the short periods of not very intense water stress," the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign scientist told BBC News. "What West Africa won't handle - and neither will California - is the 100-year-long, deep megadrought. "The only way I can see of dealing14 with that is desalination15(脱盐); if push comes to shove(推挤,放置) and these megadroughts appear - and they will, and it'll probably be exacerbated16(加重) by man-made global warming - that will be the only thing to do." Whereas the southwestern US could afford desalination, it is not clear that West African countries could - nor do they all have the infrastructure to move water inland. The possibility of man-made climate change causing worse droughts is an example of the impacts that many developing countries fear, and which causes them to seek money from richer countries to protect their societies and economies. Professor Schlesinger is at one with Tim Shanahan's team in suggesting that human-induced(感应的) climate change would be likely to make droughts more severe, although computer models of climate produce varying projections17 for rainfall change over the West African region. But even without changing the chances of drought, rising temperatures worsen the region's outlook, suggested Professor Overpeck. "Even if we were able to reduce greenhouse gas emissions18(散发,传播) somewhat, we would still probably have warming in this region of about 2-4C over the century, and that could make droughts much harder to adapt to when they occur," he said. "What it's pointing to is the need to reduce greenhouse gas emissions; but you can't do it all with mitigation(缓和,减轻), just as you can't do it all with adaptation." 点击 ![]()
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