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11月8日,浪漫之都法国巴黎举办了首届离婚博览会,吸引大批人士前往参观。这届离婚博览会以“重新开始”为主题,参展商包括帮人打离婚官司、提供法律咨询等服务的律所或法律顾问,还有提供塔罗牌算命、心理辅导以及帮助离婚人士重拾自信等服务的机构。在为期两天的展览中,主办单位安排了各式各样的研讨会,包括如何通过整容重建自信、如何在网络上认识新的对象,以及在离婚过程中律师可以提供什么样的服务等。据法国国家人口研究所数据表明,在法国几乎每两桩婚姻就有一桩以离婚收场。2007年,法国登记离婚的夫妻超过13万对;而在30年前,每年离婚的只有5万对。 ![]() The city of romance got a lesson in love's hard knocks Sunday, as thousands flocked to the French capital's first divorce fair. The city of romance got a lesson in love's hard knocks Sunday, as thousands flocked to the French capital's first divorce fair. In France, nearly one out of two marriages ends in divorce, according to the country's National Institute of Demographic Studies. More than 130,000 divorces were registered in 2007, as compared to just 50,000 three decades ago. The "New Start" trade fair aimed to tap into that booming market by bringing together 60 stands offering up both services obviously related to separation — law firms and counselors1(辅导员,行政顾问) — and also more obscure(微暗的,难解的) disciplines aimed at helping2 people get back on their feet, like tarot(塔罗牌) card readers, makeover(美容美发) specialists and self-esteem coaches. Conferences held throughout the two-day-long fair included talks entitled "Plastic surgery's role in re-conquering your image" and "How to re-seduce3 your partner using the Gestalt method," as well as "Meeting on the Web" and "Separation: What does a lawyer do?" The fair's organizer, Brigitte Gaumet, said she had the idea for the event after President Nicolas Sarkozy divorced his second wife months after taking office in 2007. "For me, that crystalized that divorce has lost its stigma4(耻辱,污名) and is really a commonplace thing," Gaumet told The Associated Press. "Lots of people going through divorces — and also people getting separated or who are widowed — are looking for information on how to bounce back(受挫折之后恢复) and how to reconstruct." "We have long had the Marriage Fair," a massive annual trade fair in Paris catering5 to brides-to-be, "and I thought, 'why not a fair for people going through separations?,'" said Gaumet, adding that some 4,000 people visited the event over the weekend. "That's a real success for a first-time exhibition." At the fair, held at a conference hall in northwestern Paris, the stands offering legal advice attracted the biggest crowds. Charles Rene and Verena Carlo were among the rare couples waiting in a long line to talk to a lawyer. Married — but not to one another — both were about to leave their long-term partners and were seeking to make the process as painless as possible. "Choosing a lawyer can be really complicated and this isn't the kind of thing you just want to pick someone randomly6 out of the yellow pages for," said Rene, a 46-year-old father of two. Carlo hailed the fair, which she said they'd heard about on the radio, as a "good initiative(首创精神) to help people going through a hard time" but said she was put off by some of the services on offer. "Just because you're going to a divorce doesn't mean you need to get laser hair removal or your fortune told," she said. "I think it's a bit weird7, to be honest." Other visitors appeared to disagree. The line at several of the makeover specialists snaked out of their stand and down the corridor(走廊), as dozens of women waited for advice on which haircuts would better suit them or tips on how to apply more seductive(诱惑的,有魅力的) makeup8. At the Instutut Cellusionic, a stand offering weight-loss solutions, a young woman in a black bikini underwent(遭遇,经验) an extensive ultrasonic9(超声波) anti-cellulite(脂肪团) massage10 while a small crowd gathered to watch. "The clients here are mostly women, which is the same as at the Wedding Fair," stand manager Sidonie Morlet said. "Except that there, they're mostly trying to squeeze into a wedding gown(结婚礼服), whereas here, they want to look good to seduce(怂恿,引诱) others and, in a deeper sense, please themselves." 点击 ![]()
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