Giggles1 and guffaws2 filled the halls of an elderly home in Manila as its residents gathered for an unusual therapy session.
The seniors were practicing laughter yoga, a form of exercise that aims to help them awaken3 their senses and punctuate4(不时打断,强调) their long bouts5 of solitude6(孤独,隐居) .
Guidance counsellor Paolo Trinidad says laughing away problems will promote a healthier mindset, and he has embarked7 on a mission to spread the laughter and the good vibes(共鸣,气氛) .
Laughter yoga involves self-triggered laughter that is not necessarily initiated8 by humour. The exercise routines combine yoga breathing techniques and laughter simulation with stretching, chanting and role playing.
"That's the gist9(要旨) of laughter yoga. We will be laughing without any reason, no jokes. We will be laughing because we want to be healthy. We have to have a good mind, good mindset," laughter yoga professor Paolo Trinidad said.
Mr Trinidad conducts laughter yoga sessions in other institutions, including an abused children's shelter, a cancer ward10(病房,保卫) , schools and corporate11 offices.