文章来源:未知 文章作者:meng 发布时间:2010-09-12 01:27 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

Johnny Depp has been named as the highest paid actor in Hollywood thanks to his role in Alice in Wonderland, according to Forbes.


Johnny Depp highest paid actor in Hollywood.
Johnny Depp highest paid actor in Hollywood.

The actor earned £50m for portraying1(描绘,扮演) the Mad Hatter in Tim Burton’s 3-D version.

The Disney film has grossed(总共赚得) $1 billion at the worldwide box office, making Depp the only actor to headline two $1 billion films, the other being Pirates of the Caribbean.

Depp also landed a big upfront payday estimated at more than £15m for The Tourist starring alongside Angelina Jolie.

Last year Depp was 10th place on the Forbes annual list of top earning actors with a salary of £18m.

The 47-year-old actor is currently filming the latest instalment of the Pirates series in Hawaii. Comic Ben Stiller is named as the second on the top earning actors list with £38m.

His film “Night at the Museum 2” was a huge success and he also received an estimated £10m for the third in the series of “Meet the Fockers” with Robert De Niro.

Harry2 Potter star Daniel Radcliffe is the only British star on the top 10 list for 2010, which was dominated by US actors.

His income for last June to June 2010 was put at £16.6m.

He has completed filming the last in the series of the Potter films and his next role will be in the ghost story “Woman in Black”.

Forbes calculated the rankings by surveying agents, managers, producers and lawyers to determine what the stars were paid.

They also took into account money they received as a percentage of the box office profits.

The top 10 (in £)

Johnny Depp 50m

Ben Stiller 38m

Tom Hanks 30m

Adam Sandler 26.6m

Leonardo Di Caprio 18.6m

Daniel Radcliffe 16.6m

Robert Downey Jr 14.6m

Tom Cruise 14.6m

Brad Pitt 13.3m

George Clooney 12.6m


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TAG标签: actor Hollywood Forbes