British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled the newest recruit to 10 Downing Street on Tuesday: a cat called Larry with a "very strong predatory drive" for catching1 rodents3.

British Prime Minister David Cameron unveiled the newest recruit to 10 Downing Street on Tuesday: a cat called Larry with a 'very strong predatory drive' for catching rodents.
The four-year-old
tabby(平纹,斑猫) joined Cameron and his family from London's Battersea Dogs and Cats Home to tackle pest control issues after a
rodent2(啮齿动物) was
spotted4 on the steps of the most famous front door in the land.
Just last month the government said there were no plans to bring in a new cat, but the prime minister's official spokesman said Tuesday that Cameron had "certainly been persuaded that it was a good idea".
"Whilst in Battersea's care, Larry showed a very strong predatory(掠夺的) drive and enjoyed playing with toy mice," the spokesman said.
"Before coming to Battersea, Larry was a stray(流浪者) so he was used to fending5 for himself in the streets.
"Nothing is ever guaranteed but his behaviour at Battersea convinced staff that he'll be up for the job of ratting."
Larry's appointment comes after a rat was spotted in two television news bulletins scurrying6(急跑) around outside the black door of the prime minister's residence in central London.
There has been no Downing Street cat since Sybil, who moved in with then Chancellor7 of the Exchequer8 Alistair Darling in 2007 but returned to Edinburgh after six months, having failed to settle in central London.
Sybil was the first cat to live in the street since the legendary9 Humphrey, a stray who took up residence under prime minister Margaret Thatcher10 and outstayed John Major.
Tony Blair sent Humphrey into retirement11 in 1997 amid persistent12 speculation13 that his wife Cherie forced him out.
Humphrey was on the payroll14, receiving £100 (160 dollars, 117 euros) a year from the Cabinet Office budget.
But with Cameron's coalition15 government facing public anger over sweeping16 cuts to public services, there was no immediate17 word on where funding for Larry would come from.