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Anti-bullying1 campaign 教育部排查中小学欺凌 China's education ministry2 has launched an anti-bullying campaign for primary and middle schools across the country based on a recent guideline. 根据近日印发的《防范中小学生欺凌专项治理行动工作方案》,教育部将部署全面排查中小学欺凌事件。 The guideline urged thorough investigations3 to find evidence of bullying and called for measures to defuse potential bullying behaviors in schools. 方案提出,要对中小学生欺凌事件进行彻底调查,找出证据,并呼吁采取必要措施,切实防止学生欺凌事件发生。 Depending on the seriousness of the offense4, students perpetrating bullying should be subjected to disciplinary actions, reprimanded, warned, or transferred to special schools, the guideline said. 根据欺凌行为的严重程度,实施欺凌的学生应受到批评教育和警示谈话、纪律处分、警示教育予以训诫,必要时依法转入专门学校就读。 It also called for offering psychological counseling to bullying victims. 对遭受欺凌的学生,学校要给予相应的心理辅导。 Schools are obliged to stop acts of bullying upon finding any such instances and contact the police in severe situations, the guideline added. 学校一旦发现学生遭受欺凌,应主动予以制止,对情节严重的欺凌事件,要迅速联络公安机关介入处置。 Schools should also offer in-depth moral, legal and mental health education, as well as special training for students to prevent campus bullying, the guideline said, adding that families should play a larger role in curbing5 bullying. 各地教育部门和学校要深入开展思想道德教育、法治教育、心理健康教育,以及防治学生欺凌专题培训。方案还提出,要进一步加大家庭教育力度,防范欺凌行为的发生。 点击 ![]()
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