Women's menstruation genes found 妇女的月经基因被发现
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Scientists say they have begun to crack the genetic2 code that helps determine when a girl becomes a woman.



The genes3 were found on chromosomes4 six and nine

A UK-led team located two genes on chromosomes(染色体) six and nine that appear to strongly influence the age at which menstruation(月经) starts.

The Nature Genetics study also provides a clue for why girls who are shorter and fatter tend to get their periods months earlier than classmates.

The genes sit right next to DNA5 controlling height and weight.

A second paper, published in the same journal, also concludes that one of the two genes highlighted by the first study plays a key role in the timing6 of puberty(青春期) in both girls and boys.

Reproductive lifespan is closely linked to the risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, breast cancer and osteoporosis(骨质疏松症).

It is thought that the female sex hormone7 oestrogen(雌激素) - produced at higher rates during a woman's reproductive life - raises the risk of these diseases.

Therefore, the earlier a woman goes through puberty, the more risk she may be at.

So the researchers say their work not only improves our understanding of the genetics underpinning8 development, it may ultimately aid the fight against disease.

However, they also accept that the onset9(攻击,进攻) of puberty is influenced by factors such as nutrition and exercise, and the effect of a single gene1 is likely to be relatively10 small.

Developing earlier

In the western world children are reaching puberty at younger and younger ages - some girls at the age of seven.

Many blame rising obesity11(肥胖,肥大) rates because, generally, girls who achieve menstruation earlier in life tend to have greater body mass index (BMI) and a higher ratio(比,比率) of fat compared to those who begin menstruation later.

From its analysis, a team led by Exeter's Peninsula Medical School predict one in 20 females carry two copies of each of the gene variations which result in menstruation starting earlier - approximately four and half months earlier than those with no copies of the gene variants13.

In collaboration14 with research institutions across Europe and the US, they studied 17,510 women from across the world, including women of European descent who reported reaching menstruation of between nine and 17 years of age.

When they split the women up according to the age they began menstruating, certain gene patterns appeared.

Scanning the whole genome enabled them to hone(磨刀) in on these differences and pinpoint15 the exact genes most likely accountable.

Researcher Dr Anna Murray said: "This study provides the first evidence that common genetic variants influence the time at which women reach sexual maturation.

"Our findings also indicate a genetic basis for the associations between early menstruation and both height and BMI."

Biological mechanisms16

Co-worker John Perry said: "Understanding the biological mechanisms behind reproductive lifespan may also help inform us about associated diseases that affect a lot of women as they get older, including diabetes17(糖尿病), heart disease and breast cancer."

The second paper, led by the University of Cambridge, analysed genetic information from thousands of people.

It linked a specific variant12 one of the two genes highlighted by the Exeter team - LIN28B - with earlier breast development in girls, and earlier voice breaking and pubic hair development in boys.

Lead researcher Dr Ken18 Ong said: "LIN28B works by controlling whether or not other genes are active.

"There are a number of such 'master switch' genes known, but this is the first evidence linking such a gene to growth and physical maturation."

Dr Aric Sigman, psychologist and fellow of the Royal Society of Medicine, said: "Early menstruation is a health issue because beyond being an inconvenient19 surprise for a girl and her parents, it's also associated with a higher risk of a variety of diseases and psychological problems.

"Girls maturing earlier are more likely to become depressed20, delinquent21(怠忽的,有过失的), aggressive, socially withdrawn22, suffer sleep problems drinking, smoking, drug abuse, lower self-esteem and suicide attempts.

"They're also more likely to exhibit(展览,展示) poor academic performance in high school than on-time or later maturing peers.

"It is important that we understand why early menstruation occurs and these findings bring us closer to explaining this in some girls."

Three other papers, also published in Nature Genetics, throw up other candidate genes which appear to be involved in the onset(攻击,进攻) of puberty.


1 gene WgKxx     
  • A single gene may have many effects.单一基因可能具有很多种效应。
  • The targeting of gene therapy has been paid close attention.其中基因治疗的靶向性是值得密切关注的问题之一。
2 genetic PgIxp     
  • It's very difficult to treat genetic diseases.遗传性疾病治疗起来很困难。
  • Each daughter cell can receive a full complement of the genetic information.每个子细胞可以收到遗传信息的一个完全补偿物。
3 genes 01914f8eac35d7e14afa065217edd8c0     
n.基因( gene的名词复数 )
  • You have good genes from your parents, so you should live a long time. 你从父母那儿获得优良的基因,所以能够活得很长。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Differences will help to reveal the functions of the genes. 它们间的差异将会帮助我们揭开基因多种功能。 来自英汉非文学 - 生命科学 - 生物技术的世纪
4 chromosomes 11783d79c0016b60332bbf1856b3f77d     
n.染色体( chromosome的名词复数 )
  • Chromosomes also determine the sex of animals. 染色体也决定动物的性别。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • Each of four chromosomes divide longitudinally. 四种染色体的每一种都沿着纵向分裂。 来自《现代汉英综合大词典》
5 DNA 4u3z1l     
(缩)deoxyribonucleic acid 脱氧核糖核酸
  • DNA is stored in the nucleus of a cell.脱氧核糖核酸储存于细胞的细胞核里。
  • Gene mutations are alterations in the DNA code.基因突变是指DNA密码的改变。
6 timing rgUzGC     
  • The timing of the meeting is not convenient.会议的时间安排不合适。
  • The timing of our statement is very opportune.我们发表声明选择的时机很恰当。
7 hormone uyky3     
  • Hormone implants are used as growth boosters.激素植入物被用作生长辅助剂。
  • This hormone interacts closely with other hormones in the body.这种荷尔蒙与体內其他荷尔蒙紧密地相互作用。
8 underpinning 7431aa77983d1e766a4ef27b6d3f1735     
n.基础材料;基础结构;(学说、理论等的)基础;(人的)腿v.用砖石结构等从下面支撑(墙等)( underpin的现在分词 );加固(墙等)的基础;为(论据、主张等)打下基础;加强
  • Underpinning this success has been an exemplary record of innovation. 具有典范性的创新确保了这次成功。 来自辞典例句
  • But underpinning Mr Armstrong's technology changes is a human touch. 但阿姆斯特朗技术变革的支柱是人情味。 来自互联网
9 onset bICxF     
  • The drug must be taken from the onset of the infection.这种药必须在感染的最初期就开始服用。
  • Our troops withstood the onset of the enemy.我们的部队抵挡住了敌人的进攻。
10 relatively bkqzS3     
  • The rabbit is a relatively recent introduction in Australia.兔子是相对较新引入澳大利亚的物种。
  • The operation was relatively painless.手术相对来说不痛。
11 obesity Dv1ya     
  • One effect of overeating may be obesity.吃得过多能导致肥胖。
  • Sugar and fat can more easily lead to obesity than some other foods.糖和脂肪比其他食物更容易导致肥胖。
12 variant GfuzRt     
  • We give professional suggestions according to variant tanning stages for each customer.我们针对每位顾客不同的日晒阶段,提供强度适合的晒黑建议。
  • In a variant of this approach,the tests are data- driven.这个方法的一个变种,是数据驱动的测试。
13 variants 796e0e5ff8114b13b2e23cde9d3c6904     
n.变体( variant的名词复数 );变种;变型;(词等的)变体
  • Those variants will be preserved in the'struggle for existence". 这些变异将在“生存竞争”中被保留下来。 来自辞典例句
  • Like organisms, viruses have variants, generally called strains. 与其他生物一样,病毒也有变种,一般称之为株系。 来自辞典例句
14 collaboration bW7yD     
  • The two companies are working in close collaboration each other.这两家公司密切合作。
  • He was shot for collaboration with the enemy.他因通敌而被枪毙了。
15 pinpoint xNExL     
  • It is difficult to pinpoint when water problems of the modern age began.很难准确地指出,现代用水的问题是什么时候出现的。
  • I could pinpoint his precise location on a map.我能在地图上指明他的准确位置。
16 mechanisms d0db71d70348ef1c49f05f59097917b8     
n.机械( mechanism的名词复数 );机械装置;[生物学] 机制;机械作用
  • The research will provide direct insight into molecular mechanisms. 这项研究将使人能够直接地了解分子的机理。 来自《简明英汉词典》
  • He explained how the two mechanisms worked. 他解释这两台机械装置是如何工作的。 来自《简明英汉词典》
17 diabetes uPnzu     
  • In case of diabetes, physicians advise against the use of sugar.对于糖尿病患者,医生告诫他们不要吃糖。
  • Diabetes is caused by a fault in the insulin production of the body.糖尿病是由体內胰岛素分泌失调引起的。
18 ken k3WxV     
  • Such things are beyond my ken.我可不懂这些事。
  • Abstract words are beyond the ken of children.抽象的言辞超出小孩所理解的范围.
19 inconvenient m4hy5     
  • You have come at a very inconvenient time.你来得最不适时。
  • Will it be inconvenient for him to attend that meeting?他参加那次会议会不方便吗?
20 depressed xu8zp9     
  • When he was depressed,he felt utterly divorced from reality.他心情沮丧时就感到完全脱离了现实。
  • His mother was depressed by the sad news.这个坏消息使他的母亲意志消沉。
21 delinquent BmLzk     
  • Most delinquent children have deprived backgrounds.多数少年犯都有未受教育的背景。
  • He is delinquent in paying his rent.他拖欠房租。
22 withdrawn eeczDJ     
  • Our force has been withdrawn from the danger area.我们的军队已从危险地区撤出。
  • All foreign troops should be withdrawn to their own countries.一切外国军队都应撤回本国去。