文章来源: 文章作者: 发布时间:2009-03-12 05:47 字体: [ ]  进入论坛

    11------Easy does it
  Some things require gentleness for success. One should not push too hard. Force may cause damage
  12-----The bigger they are, the harder they fall
  Do not be discouraged by the size of your problem or the fame of your competitor. (the saying is traced1 to a boxer2 preparing to fight an opponent3 much larger than he was.)
  13-----All is well that ends well
  If we can come to a successful conclusion, let us forget about the pain and mistakes along the way.
  14-----Go for it
  Go ahead and try to achieve your goal. Don't worry about failing. Similar to this proverb--God provides food to every bird, but he won't cast to its nest, you got to earn it.
  15-----Every little bit helps
  If someone apologizes for giving only a small gift, the recipient4 may encourage the giver by quoting this proverb. This is especially true if there is a huge job to do or a huge amount of money to be raised from many people.
  16-----Look before you leap
  Don't jump into a situation carelessly. You may land in difficulty.
  17-----All that glitters5 is not gold
  Do not be fooled by worthless6 things that seem valuable or look attractive.
  "Fool's gold " is the popular name for a kind of stone that glitters like gold but contains no gold at all.
  18------Curiosity killed the cat
  Do not ask too many questions or become too curious about things. You may get yourself into trouble like a cat that does not see the danger in a new situation.
  19-----Don't put all your eggs in one basket
  Do not risk everything in one place or on one project. Divide your sources that one failure will not ruin you. Similar to this proverb---Do not use both feet to test the depth of the river.
  20-----Don't bite off more than you can chew
  Do not attempt something too large for you to handle. 


1 traced 811b93782eec22f6be139a4bfae49197     
描绘( trace的过去式和过去分词 ); 追溯; 发现; 跟踪
  • We finally traced him to an address in Chicago. 我们终于追查到他在芝加哥的一个地址。
  • The names were traced out in stark black print. 这些名字是用醒目的黑体字印出的。
2 boxer sxKzdR     
  • The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.这个拳击手朝他对手的鼻子上猛击一拳。
  • He moved lightly on his toes like a boxer.他像拳击手一样踮着脚轻盈移动。
3 opponent HIoxQ     
  • The boxer gave his opponent a punch on the nose.这个拳击手朝他对手的鼻子上猛击一拳。
  • After a fierce struggle,he got a beat on his opponent.经过殊死的较量,他占了对手的上风。
4 recipient QA8zF     
a.接受的,感受性强的 n.接受者,感受者,容器
  • Please check that you have a valid email certificate for each recipient. 请检查是否对每个接收者都有有效的电子邮件证书。
  • Colombia is the biggest U . S aid recipient in Latin America. 哥伦比亚是美国在拉丁美洲最大的援助对象。
5 glitters f615e1e99b72c7a4f990e6e950a2cb96     
闪烁,闪耀,闪光( glitter的第三人称单数 ); 眼睛闪现(某种强烈情感)
  • I mean that all glitters is not gold. 我是说,不是所有闪光的东西都是金子。
  • All is not gold that glitters. 闪光的东西不一定都是金子。
6 worthless wf5wA     
  • Don't read worthless books.不要读没有用的书。
  • He was worthless as a painter.他作为画家一事无成。