• 经典英文电影里触动你心弦的那些小句子

    20-07-20 让我们一起来回顾那些经典电影里,触动你心弦的那些小句子吧 所谓经典,就是我们所惧怕的时间,它却完全不怕 《Gone with The Wind 乱世佳人》 Land is the only thing in the worldworth working for, worth fighting for, worth dying for.Because its the only thin...

  • 为什么迪士尼角色大多戴手套?

    20-06-12 Why do most Disney characters wear gloves? Mickey, Minnie, Donald Duck, Pinocchio, and most Disney characters all have one accessory in commongloves. Although there are many surprising facts about Disneys most famous characters, putting gloves on an...

  • 小罗伯特·唐尼《多力特的奇幻冒险》预告片

    20-04-07 Are you Dr. Dolittle? 你是多力特医生吗? We have no choice but to embark on this perilous journey. 我们别无选择,只能踏上这趟危险的旅程。 Everyone, pack your bags! 各位,收拾行李! Im unavailable. 我可没工夫。 You can talk to animals. Yes. 你可以和...

  • 真爱的美好--10部经典爱情电影

    20-04-01 Amour 爱 Georges and Anne are deep into their eighties, and their marriage is perfect. But one day Anne suffers a debilitating stroke, loses her memory and becomes completely paralysed. She loves him and wants him to let her go; he loves her and wan...

  • 迪士尼公主饶舌大对决

    20-03-30 Once upon a time, in a far away land, there was a princessRAP BATTLE! 很久很久以前,在一个遥远的地方有传奇中的公主饶舌大对决! CINDERELLA vs BELLE! Let the rap battle begin! 灰姑娘对战贝尔!饶舌对战,正式开始! Another princess in my shadow come to...

  • 皮特和安妮斯顿正策划秘密婚礼?

    20-03-26 詹妮弗安妮斯顿提出与布拉德皮特离婚已经十五年了,但是他们之间的关系没有人忘记。 在今年早些时候两人重归于好的消息传来的时候粉丝们开心不已。 Its been 15 years since Jennifer Aniston filed for divorce from Brad Pitt but its still the relationship that n...

  • 影视英语:《小丑》以11项提名领跑奥斯卡

    20-02-08 Psychological thriller film Joker led the race for the 92nd Academy Awards, or the Oscars, with 11 nominations, the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences announced on Monday. 周一,美国电影艺术与科学学院公布了第92届奥斯卡奖提名名单,心理惊悚片...
