• provide easy access from all directions 四通八达

    22-01-22 四通八达,汉语成语,字面意思是四面八方都有路可走。形容交通非常便利,也形容通向各方。可以翻译为provide easy access from all directions,with great facilities of communication等。 例句: 铁路四通八达遍布全国。 Railways ramified all over the country....

  • 古巴将开发有限的因特网接入

    13-05-29 The government of Cuba has said it will soon expand public access to the internet, although it will maintain restrictions for access at home. 古巴政府宣布即将向公众开放因特网,不过仍然禁止民众在家中上网。 It said that 118 internet points would be se...

  • industry access system 行业准入制度

    11-08-23 Revised Coal Laws will for the first time set the industry access system for the sector, the China Securities Journal reported Monday, citing sources with the China National Coal Association. 《中国证券报》周一援引来自中国煤炭工业协会的消息称,修改...

  • 黑莓厂商欲与印度政府合作

    10-08-27 Blackberry-maker Research in Motion has said it is willing to work with India to support the country's need for lawful access to encrypted services. 黑莓手机生产商RIM称愿与印度合作,为其数据加密服务提供合法准入。 There are over 1 million Blackberry...

  • File-sharers' TV tastes revealed 文件分享者的电视节目品味显

    09-08-28 Millions of television viewers are now using illegal file-sharing services to access free and unauthorised copies of programmes, research has revealed. 调查显示,数百万电视观众正在使用非法文件共享服务来得到免费的、未经认可的电视节目。 Top Gear is po...
