• 杭州智能系统可监测交通事故

    18-04-12 An AI-driven system that can automatically detect traffic accidents has made its debut in Hangzhou, the capital of Zhejiang Province, reports zjol.com.cn. 浙江在线报道,一个由人工智能驱动的可以自动监测交通事故的系统在杭州上线。 The system, called Ti...

  • 离婚的人更有可能死于可预防事故

    13-10-31 Divorced people are more likely to die from preventable accidents than married counterparts, according to a new study from sociologists at Rice University and the University of Pennsylvania. The study also found that single people and those with low...

  • 欧盟汽车或将安装限速器

    13-09-08 欧洲委员会运输交通部近期提议为欧盟各国所有汽车安装限速器,将汽车时速限定在70英里(相当于112.6公里)以内,以减少因道路交通事故死亡的人数。 All cars could be fitted with devices that stop them going over 70mph, under new EU road safety measures which...

  • 开车打电话不会增加车祸危险?

    13-08-09 For almost 20 years, it has been a wide-held belief that talking on a cellphone while driving is dangerous and leads to more accidents. However, new research from Carnegie Mellon University and the London School of Economics and Political Science su...
