• Of Human Bondage 人性的枷锁 Chapter 19

    22-07-13 At first Philip had been too grateful for Roses friendship to make any demands on him. He took things as they came and enjoyed life. But presently he began to resent Roses universal amiability; he wanted a more exclusive attachment, and he claimed a...

  • 22-04-15 Anger 怒 Liang Shih-chiu 梁实秋 A person looks his ugliest when angry. In anger, a face that is normally as beautiful as a lotus blossom will tun livid and pale, even ashen. This, plus the contorted muscles on his face, his staring eyes and bristlin...

  • though

    22-01-25 一看到这个词,很多语法好的同学就有如下反应: 这是一个引导让步状语从句的连词,表示虽然,相当于although、even though,一般用在句首,比如: Though he was very angry, he didnt show it. 虽然他很生气,但是他没有表现出来。 但老外经常把这个词用作副词,放在...

  • Hangry 饿到令人生气

    21-10-09 Hangry 饿到令人生气 英文释义: When you are so hungry that your lack of food causes you to become angry, frustrated or both. 这个单词很有趣,实际就是Hungry和angry的结合,是不是很好理解? I havent eaten since breakfast so Im just hangry, bro. 从早饭...

  • to add fuel to the fire 火上浇油

    21-07-05 To add fuel to the fire 对应着中文里的成语火上浇油或是推波助澜,意为使本就不好的情况变得更糟、更加严重,在一些语境中它也可以表示使人更加愤怒。 例句 Laura was already angry. Joe just added fuel to the fire by forgetting to do the washing, as hed prom...

  • count to ten 深呼吸,冷静一下

    21-06-10 说到count to ten,有一部电影和一首歌曲与之同名,中文译文为数到十。 但是,如果是老外对你这样说,他的意思可能就是希望你: 花点时间冷静下来(类似于深呼吸,冷静一下) 在俚语中,count to ten指的是花时间冷静一下,千万不要冲动行事,和我们常说的给你五分钟冷...

  • see red 非常生气

    21-06-04 to become very angry 非常生气;暴怒 see red源于斗牛,公牛看到红色就会发怒。因此,see red意思是怒不可遏、火冒三丈。 例句: When Jim realized that he had been duped, he started to see red. 当吉姆意识到受骗,他立即火冒三丈。...

  • 小天使们的伤心故事 上

    21-06-02 I have a neighbor. He shouts at his kids a lot. He has a close friend with a little girl, Mindy. Does this guy also shout at his kids a lot? I dont know... 我有个邻居,他经常大声骂孩子。他的一个好朋友有个小女儿,叫明迪,但是我不知道那个人是否也经常...

  • go through the roof 大发雷霆

    21-04-26 大发雷霆,汉语成语,意思是震怒,大发脾气,大声斥责。可以翻译为explode with rage或be furious。也可以用英文习语go through the roof表示,指to become very angry or upset。 例句: 她看到发生了什么,因此大发雷霆。 She saw what had happened and went throug...

  • 如何控制怒气

    21-03-23 Do you often get angry? If the answer is yes, you are not alone. Bad traffic, disagreements with people and other occurrences can potentially be a nuisance. But can you control your temper or do you bristle with rage every time someone crosses you?...