• 动物皮毛散射阳光能使其保暖

    14-01-27 In work that has major implications for improving the performance of building insulation(房屋保温) , scientists at the University of Namur in Belgium and the University of Hassan I in Morocco have calculated that hairs that reflect infrared light...

  • 生活在岛屿上的动物通常比较驯服

    14-01-13 Most of us have seen pictures and probably YouTube videos of tame animals on the Galapagos Islands, the biological paradise that was Charles Darwin's major source of inspiration as he observed nature and gradually developed his ideas about the impor...

  • 大型食肉动物数量减少引发全球环境问题

    14-01-13 In ecosystems around the world, the decline of large predators such as lions, dingoes, wolves, otters, and bears is changing the face of landscapes from the tropics to the Arctic -- but an analysis of 31 carnivore(食肉动物) species published today...

  • Hansel and Grethel

    14-01-08 Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girl Grethel. He had little to bite and to break, and once when great scarcity fell on the land, he could no longer procure daily b...

  • 哺乳动物的某种衰老起因是可逆的

    13-12-24 Researchers have discovered a cause of aging in mammals that may be reversible. The essence of this finding is a series of molecular events that enable communication inside cells between the nucleus and mitochondria(线粒体) . As communication brea...

  • white elephant 华而不实的东西

    13-12-23 Feifei: Hi. I'm Feifei and joining us here in the zoo to present Authentic Real English is Finn. Finn: Hello. Feifei: What's the matter, Finn? 怎么不高兴呢?动物园这么多动物,多好看呀! Finn: Yes, I love animals too. But I don't know what I'm going...

  • 一只不想做国王的兔子(下)

    13-11-21 But Tembo wouldn't listen. He was thinking of his own children. They would be safe, but only if he could find other animals for Kali to gobble up. Outside Kali's palace Hare stood shaking and cringing. He had to think of something fast. Maybe I can...

  • 动物性格同样具有不可预测性

    13-11-01 A Deakin University study has found for the first time that, just like humans, unpredictability(不可预测性) is also a consistent behavioral trait in the animal world. Animals are known to show consistent individual differences in behavior, which i...

  • 哺乳动物有先天的抗病毒能力

    13-10-11 Scientists have a promising new approach to combating deadly human viruses thanks to an educated hunch(预感,肉峰) by University of California, Riverside microbiology professor Shou-Wei Ding, and his 20 years of research on plants, fruit flies, ne...

  • Animals

    13-10-10 There are many kinds of animals in the world. People don't know the exact numbers. In the zoo, people can see many kinds of animals. For example, lions, tigers, they are scary. Monkey, foxes are intelligent. People usually think pandas; koala bears...