• 动物会利用鼻子调整嗅觉

    12-10-31 Animals use their noses to focus their sense of smell, much the same way that humans focus their eyes, new research at the University of Chicago shows. A research team studying rats found that animals adjust their sense of smell through sniffing tec...

  • 物种大灭绝对现代世界的启示

    12-10-30 The Cretaceous Period(白垩纪) of Earth history ended with a mass extinction that wiped out numerous species, most famously the dinosaurs. A new study now finds that the structure of North American ecosystems made the extinction worse than it might...

  • 北美洲首次发现有羽毛恐龙的化石

    12-10-26 The ostrich(鸵鸟) -like dinosaurs in the original Jurassic Park movie were portrayed as a herd of scaly, fleet-footed animals being chased by a ferocious(残忍的) Tyrannosaurus rex. New research published in the journal Science reveals this depic...

  • 澳大利亚将塔纳米沙漠划为自然保护区

    12-07-11 Australia has declared more than 10 million hectares of Aboriginal land as its largest conservation zone. 澳大利亚宣布将土著民族超过1000万公顷的土地作为环境保护区。 The southern Tanami Desert in the Northern Territory is home to the country's most e...

  • 印度洪灾致数百只动物死亡

    12-07-05 Hundred of animals have been found dead in the Kaziranga national park in the north-east Indian state of Assam, which has been hit by severe floods. 印度东北部阿萨姆邦卡齐兰加国家公园被严重洪灾袭击,数百只动物死亡。 Over 440 animals, including the h...

  • 意大利欲征宠物税遭批评

    12-05-26 上周五,意大利当地媒体报道该国议会委员会提议向猫狗等宠物征税,以帮助饱受债务危机困扰的城镇增加收入。这一消息发布后立即受到各界批评,动物权益保护组织称这一做法会让更多动物被遗弃。 A proposal to levy(征收) a tax on cats and dogs that stunned Italy o...

  • The Second Slaughter

    12-05-23 The Second Slaughter Lucia Perillo Achilles slays the man who slew his friend, pierces the corpse behind the heels and drags it behind his chariot(二轮战车) like the cans that trail a bride and groom. Then he lays out a banquet(宴会) for his men...

  • 有些动物为何能更长寿

    12-03-30 Scientists at the University of Liverpool have developed a new method to detect proteins associated with longevity, which helps further our understanding into why some animals live longer than others. The team looked at the genome of more than 30 ma...

  • 家畜身上某致命耐性菌能感染人类

    12-02-22 A strain of the potentially deadly antibiotic-resistant bacterium known as MRSA has jumped from livestock to humans, according to a new study involving two Northern Arizona University researchers. Paul Keim, Regents' professor and director of NAU's...

  • The Same Action Yields the Same Result

    12-02-16 A couple of hunters chartered a small plane to fly them to a forest, and made an appointment with the pilot to come back and fetch them in about two weeks. At the end of the two weeks, they had shot a lot of animals that they wanted to load onto the...