• 《疯狂动物城》第21章

    23-01-30 After the press conference, a wedge was driven between the animals of Zootopia, and everyone was talking about it. There were conflicts and protests. The animals began to treat one another differently. At one protest, Judy stood in the middle of the...

  • 《疯狂动物城》第15章

    23-01-30 Arctic animals danced as Fru Fru and her groom fed each other cake. Nick and Judy looked like giants as they sat at the head table, next to Mr. Big. Otterton is my florist, said Mr. Big. Hes like a part of the family. He had something important he w...

  • 地球可能有870万物种

    23-01-29 科学家们研究出一项新的方式来估计在地球上生物的总数,据统计一共有8百70万种不同类型的生物。这同过去使用的评估方式得到的结果差距很大。科学家们的发现将在网络科研期刊《生物科学公共图书馆》上发表。 Its generally accepted that very many species have yet to...

  • 斑马为何有斑纹

    23-01-29 科学家们称他们已经揭开了斑马身上为何有黑白条斑纹的秘密。这篇刊登在《自然生物学期刊上》的文章说斑纹有掩护作用,因为昆虫不喜欢斑纹。 There have been many theories to explain the zebras unmistakable stripes. Scientists have suggested that each zebra ha...

  • 英国男子解开两万年前冰河时期洞穴壁画之谜

    23-01-29 人们认为来自伦敦的一位家具管理员解开了冰河时期洞穴壁画里一系列标记的谜团。此发现有助于理解为什么当时的狩猎采集者会画洞穴壁画。 Archaeologists have long puzzled over series of dots, lines, and marks shaped like a letter Y, placed on or near the often...